Blu-ray To Be Released Soon

Yeah, that shit's gonna be expensive for some time. I saw some pics of Blu-Ray devices. They are damn ugly.
Angel posted on Mar 1 2006 at 01:59 PM said:

I think i'll be holding on to my DVD player for a loooong time. $1,000 for a player and $30-40 for a movie? yeah right.

And now that we know that a blu-ray movie player will be $1,000 what is the PS3 going to cost? $3,000?

PS3 wont be $3,000... It will be in the reigon of the Xbox 360 price tag... No way could Sony afford to sell it at that price or they would not sell any...
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i was being sarcastic, i'm not an idiot, i know it won't be $3,000.

I just think its funny that a blu ray movie player is $1,000, and the PS3 will have blu ray among all its other stuff. So if the drive is $1,000 what would it be when you added everything else.
Not a huge fan of AACS or the fact that you don't get full resolution unless you have a digital connecter (hence all of the old HD equipment will only get half resolution - really nasty move as far as I am concerned).
Shikaku posted on Mar 2 2006 at 01:24 AM said:
There's probably going to be a special connector cable for that anyway.

The reason they have all this security shit is for more money from licenses. Wondered why DVDs had their shitty encryptions? 'Twas only for money...
Yep, but these won't be shitty encryptions.
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