GP2X Blitzmax Compiler For Arm9


Still Fresh
Oct 15, 2005
Simon Armstrong from Blitz Research asked whether coders would be interested in a BlitzMax compiler for ARM9 processors:

Since the GP2X has such a beast it would be great to be able to compile a BltizMax game for GP2X!
If you're interested vote here and I'll post the results at the BlitzMax forum.
Alex. posted on Oct 24 2006 at 02:23 AM said:
Languages are supposed to be free...

- Alex
Just imagine Americans having to pay to use -English
Australians don't need to pay cause they are part of commonwealth
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So this blitmax uses opengl for drawing, rotation, and scaling. If they change it to surface blitting like SDL wont that cause a speed problem? Dont know to much about the capabilities of the GP2x just got mine 3 weeks ago, but I don't see how I can put 2000+ polys on the screen with some kinda SDL blitting being fast.
Languages are supposed to be free...
Where'd you get that idea? Compilers are software too, they deserve equal rights! Equal rights I say!

@Malic: They'll have to make a software renderer (not necessarily SDL based) which certainly won't have the same result as the normal Blitz on an Athlon 3500 with a Radeon X800. :P
Try playing Quake, it's about as good as it gets for 3D on the GP2X.
TKfi5H!!! heyy its arrayinator from the darkbasic forums. Nice to see your involved here. Im getting mine this week!
i don't see the limitation .. certainly there are 3d-engines on the Gp2X which could be brought up to speed to implement the Blitzmax primitives ..
Anythings possible but as were dealing with software rendering the device is pretty limited. I havent really looked at blitz to much so I am not completely certain. I think something like open GL es would be great. (its now on pocket pcs)
I wouldn't count software-rendering out, personally, as capable of delivering decent-performance 3D sufficient to allow BitzMax ports .. and there are some really great BlitzMax based products out there ..