Pandora blender game to pandora?


Very Active Member
Mar 22, 2012
I'm a noob when it comes to games. So this is a question for my 13year old son.

He is doing pretty good stuff in blender and he followed some tutorials (from There is a game making series with which he did some basic things and was now asking about a way to develop a game with blender and port/transfer it to the pandora.

So the question is, if thats possible? a good isea anyway? compleetly nonsense? or simply very complicated?

Any hints, suggestions, statements?


Nope not at all, not on the Pandora :(

Cause there isn't a port of blender to Pandora unfortunetly.
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If you ask nicely, a dev might look into it. I wouldn't be surprised if something could be made to work...
There was a Google Code Competition or something like that, with the aim to add OpenGL-ES support to blender. But I don't think it is finished and/or released yet. And I don't think Blender to be usable with soft MesaGL on the Pandora.
I think (if I understood correctly what my son did), there is some way to generate a "stand alone" executable from a game made inside of blender.

Is there anyone who has experience with that and give me some deeper understanding of how that works in detail?

It's mainly because he is very crative and perserving in using blender and would like to have something to play/contribute to the pandora, too.

And I of course like to help him keep that enthusiasm up.

So what I need is perhaps some advice to point us in a direction, how to get some things working on blender in a easier way.

What he does well (from my point of view) is:

-Modelling (mostly spacecrafts so far..)

-adding physics and controlls to the objects (flying the spacecraft inside blender)

-attaching a camera behind the spacecraft, that follows with timelaps

Has someone a suggestion how he can use that genarel understanding of how to combine these things to develop soe small game for pandora?

Blender ist not a must have here, but transferin the knowledge from what he has done so far to another way of doing this would be very nice. Mayby a way to export blender modells to that would help a lot.

Fell free to ask me further questions, if I haven't made ms clear, what is most likely the case, because I'm no programmer at all, especially when it comes to games..

thanks a lot.
A standalone game is a game that does not require the game engine to bee runablee on a a pc or mac or linux but in this case optimisation is needed to make a port of the game to Pandora cuse an Pc aplication for example is a pc aplication on pandora it aint a aplication it is a PND so if the game had to be ported to Pandora it syhould be a PND, and Blender engine for now does not have a port or suport for Pandora...

HOWEVER BLENDER CAN BE USED IN OTHER GAME ENGINES! See paper wars for example Paper Wars:

However Paper Wars usues a custom engine Made by Crow and taylorpark THAT isnt avaiable for the comunity yet.

So keep in mind that it wont run on Pandora even if it is standalone unfortunetly... If your son Likes 3D he should also consider sparrow3D engine for Pandora however it isn't that complex in comparison with Blender.
I'm not an expert on this topic either, but here's the bit I know:

There are indeed two ways of distributing blender-games. One is to share the usual .blend-files with others and they of course require a working blender-version for your system in order to open these files. There was already some discussion about porting blender (see here), but so far it's not anything close to being ported (or being started?).

The other way is to create executables with the stand-alone blender-player. This requires a port of that blender-player for arm/opengles, too. But IMHO is more likely to happen than a port of the full blender-editor. While doing a little research on this topic I found a thread where someone mentions work for an android/gles-version going on (see here). That android-version should help a developer to port the engine to the Pandora. And since AFAIR there is no further programming involved, it should be the most likely way for you and your son to see a blender-game running on the Pandora.

Another third way would of course be to export the models and use them in a game-engine not related to blender. But currently I don't know if any (good) one exists for the OP. And if they do, then I expect quite some more programming being required to implement such a game-engine into a full, working game. So again: Hoping for a port of the blender-player should be the most anticipated one.

Slightly off-topic: I find it interesting that this shows up right now, when I yesterday thought about the blender-game-engine (BGE) when testing the Amiga-game "Zeewolf" and thought "hey, that would be quite an interesting remake-project for the BGE". :)
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Tell your son to check out Maratis3d:

You can use it to import Blender files and create a game. It hasn't been ported to Open Pandora AngstromOS yet, but that wouldn't be hard .. and with your sons content waiting in the wings, I'm sure we could get motivated to do it .. ;) .. somehow ..
Writing a game involves programming. There are a few simple, open-source 3D games for Pandora which could serve as a starting point, but I'd send the kid to a programming camp. I went to one at age 12 - great experience.

Has someone a suggestion how he can use that genarel understanding of how to combine these things to develop soe small game for pandora?

Blender ist not a must have here, but transferin the knowledge from what he has done so far to another way of doing this would be very nice. Mayby a way to export blender modells to that would help a lot.

Fell free to ask me further questions, if I haven't made ms clear, what is most likely the case, because I'm no programmer at all, especially when it comes to games..

thanks a lot.

I use GLBasic for game programming, it is a Basic language, so it is kind of easy for non-programmers, still, you have to learn it.

GLB can import 3d objects from blender, mostly OBJ + texture maps.

This could be a solution, head here:

Download a demo and check the examples and code snippets, Gernot posted a very simple, 3d to GLB somewhere on youtube, it could be a good start.

GLB is free for desktops but you need premium for the pandora, and I´m not sure how 3d works out on pandora, software render maybe?

I have yet to try 3d on the caanoo.

Anyway, give a go on desktop and see if it fits your needs.

Writing a game involves programming.

I don't think that a game, which was done within blender and was made a stand-alone executable by the use of the blender-player, does necessarily involve programming (as in "writing code"). You can of course for example use python-scripting which often is used in Blender for more advanced stuff, but it's not a must for simple games. That's why i still think that the existence of a port of blender-player for the Pandora would be the most newbie-friendly way.

But as already stated I haven't much experience with that. It's been years that I worked with blender and tried the blender-game-engine (not the stand-alone blender-player).