(Bad)Joke Appreciation Corner

_______________________________________ / Dance is the vertical expression of a \ \ horizontal intention. / --------------------------------------- \ \ .--. |o_o | |:_/ | // \ \ (| | ) /'\_ _/`\ \___)=(___/
I flew an airplane once. Commercial flight. They lured me in that the captain wanted to see me, so I went (they did not ask me "do you want to fly"). They gave me the controls, while standing (or was I sitting on the captain's lap? I do not remember), the co-pilot was not touching the steering either. I was sweating balls. Trying to not move the steeringwheel. Listening to the engine if the sound was constant (for speed). Looking straight ahead, afraid to bump into something, like another airplane, so without time to look at the controls. I was a bit bigger than that kid though, so I could see straight ahead, but not down (the displays were blocking that). When I got out and sat down again I was wondering why the pilot was so crazy to give a child control over an airplane...