Modder & Portablizer

YouTube video
Project step-by-step guide on my website (see sig).
TV plug'n'play systems have great games on them, but the controls are pretty bad; the systems are also not portable as they need to plug into a television to play a game. With my system, a plug'n'play system is ripped apart and put inside a small game cartridge, which are then interchangeable (like my Multi-Platform system). The controls on my system are very easy to use and the d-pad works far far better than the clunky "joystick" on plug'n'play systems. This is a unique project as the cartridges are interchangeable via my universal cart slot.
System includes two Canon 911 Li-ion batteries, 2000mA each = 4000mA, enough to keep the system running before recharge for about 4.5 hours or so. The batteries simply pop out for recharging, so if I have a spare set of batteries then can be utilised. There is also a video and audio jack and an audio jack.
This was a very involving project, pleased to have finished it in time. Over the next weeks, I will make more plug'n'play cartridges for the system.
Weight including game cart and batteries - c. 700g without batteries and game cart c. 450g