Bacteria's Into64 Portable Handheld Console System


Modder & Portablizer
Jan 12, 2006
Hampshire, UK.
Portable is finished, here is the final video in the series - system demonstration, specifications, game demonstration!


* iNto64 final video demonstation *

Please feel free to join my forum and chat room too guys!!

On my website are the 20 video step-by-step guides to making your own portable system!


  • into64-pic.jpg
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Awesome but I have 2 questions

1. Where is the z button

2. How does it handle 007 Goldeneye/perfect dark
I like how you kept the d-pad, other portable N64s I've seen dropped it because they said it wasn't used in any games. That is not the point, you keep it because it is what you remember the N64 had it!

Great work, I might have to do this because the Pandora might not play N64. I'm sure mine will be no where near what you did however.
Meany105 said:
Awesome but I have 2 questions

1. Where is the z button

2. How does it handle 007 Goldeneye/perfect dark

It will handle Goldeneye and Perfect Dark (and EVERY other game for that matter) perfectly.
It's not an emulator, it's an actual N64 hacked up into an awesome piece of art!
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Indeed, this is original hardware, not emulation. Therefore, handles all games as intended.

The "Z" button is underneath the system where the index finger rests next to, so in the right position. I didn't spray paint this button, left it grey with black "Z" on it, for effect.

Just under 3 hours is fine for most game playing, had no space to put in another set of cells, barely had enough for what went in!

D-pad, some games need it - Pokemon Puzzle League for example, which is an excellent game, requires it. I did a video of that game too, however run out of video space to put it onto YouTube (you only have 10 mins for a YouTube video, I was up to about 9:54 minutes!).

Yes, very happy with the system, feels great, ideal to use!
Awesome work, Bacteria, glad to see you're still modding.
I recently bought an Xbox original I plan to put a modchip in, larger HDD, etc., but I have something else; a new (used) television, it's quite large (rather CRT-ish) and it needs a new bulb inside. So, I was think, when we get around to repairing to the TV, why not put an Xbox inside?
I can think of a few issues, namely overheating, space inside, and mounting, not to mention where to place the controller and other ports, (let alone the DVD drive!) including A/V, but do you think something like this is feasible?
That looks awesome! My only concern is that the yellow C Buttons appear very low down in the case and look like they might be uncomfortable to use (although admittedly, not many games use them that much).

Superb work though :)
I have an Xbox Jourdy288 which I got cheaply at a car boot sale, although not even tested it to see if it works! I intend to mod one in the future, will need to do a lot of research first though. Sure, I don't see why you can't include one inside a television, as long as there is plenty of space inside and you can keep it cool enough.

iprice - they are just as comfortable to use as above the A and B buttons.
bacteria said:
I have an Xbox Jourdy288 which I got cheaply at a car boot sale, although not even tested it to see if it works! I intend to mod one in the future, will need to do a lot of research first though. Sure, I don't see why you can't include one inside a television, as long as there is plenty of space inside and you can keep it cool enough.

iprice - they are just as comfortable to use as above the A and B buttons.

Did you check the disc drive? After bringing mine home from Goodwill, I flipped it on and all of the sudden, instant Halo 2.
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