Attn: Hercule18 Sd Hero Snes Games. Snes Fans Read


Mar 19, 2003
Hey after reading your post I started looking around my huge snes collection and came across some great snes games that you might like. You mentioned that you where looking for a beat em up with SD gundam, ultra man and kamen rider charaters and I can across a bunch of them. These games all seem to be fully playable even though they are not english.

last fighter twin - the one you where looking for seems pretty cool SD gundamn street fighting beat em up

sd ultra battle - another one mentioned in the same thread seems pretty cool

great battle 3 - seems like a fighting game with SD characters

great battle 4 - side scrolling game where you walk along and shoot but can change between sd gundam ultra man and other characters very cool.

great battle 5 - side scrolling sd western with gundamn ultra man charaters and a lot more seems weird but is pretty cool.

I remember playing some other games that could be added to this genre but this is all I could find right now. I just loaded up the entire st of japanese snes roms on my xbox so if people are interested I'll post some more obscure snes games that would be fun on the gp32 as I find them.
well considering that I lost my gp32 around the begining of septemper I have not been able to try anything out at all which sucks. I still post here though and keep up on the scene because some day I hope to be able to get a new gp32. Hopfully by then I will be able to get a nice blue euro gp32 and be able to download a version of opensnes with the new asm core. Hint hint I;ll get one some time but it might be awhile down the road.

Last Fighter twin works great in 8bpp mode without sound 1 framskip at 150mhz :lol:

really gun beat them at least as good as final fight. :D

For great battle 4 with the same settings it's a little bit slower. :rolleyes:
For great battle 5 great but some graphical glitchs <_<

SD ultra battle is very buggy moreover when you use super powers. :(


I'm looking forward the next release of opensnses9x