Snes emu discussion cont'd (& general scene stuff)


Active Member
Feb 27, 2003
Los Angeles
I keep trying to reply to "snes emu full speed" post but it keeps locking me out for some reason. which is annoying. (!)

anyway a lot of talk around here about "we'll see a snes emu for xmas" - come on, it's a month away, and no one's shown a SINGLE wip for such a thing. a screenshot, a video, nothing nada. IF there were to somehow be such a thing released in time for xmas, I doubt it would be much better than the two emu's released already (which are actually pretty freakin' good, for what they are)

After watching this forum for months + months I can safely say I strongly DON'T see a fullspeed w/sound SNES emulator coming out for GP32. Ever. That sucks but it's true. We may, eventually, see something pretty close to full speed with all the bells and whistles like in snes9x, maybe even save states which would be cool - but I don't think it's going to happen, and I believe that most of you prob. agree with me at this point.

And you know what, it's ok!!! There's so much other stuff you can play on GP32, the dev scene is still kicking pretty hardcore (esp. for such a small scene) - and the existing emulators are all (mostly) really playable as they are, even the current snes ones.

The best part, we likely WILL see a Mame port, I am betting.. it will be a lot smaller than some would like (I mean, I expect that none of those processor intensive games will play well on it) but the best games are the older simpler ones anyway. To be honest, at the rate it's going I don't think we'll see it (in any form)before spring time - but again that's fine, I don't care if it's another 6 months, so long as it's a little polished + playable. All of rlyeh's other emu's usually have a fair degree of that polish anyway, so that is a great sign.

I don't know what else to say. I was so looking forward to a genesis emulator for ages, and we have one (ZJ's) which is incredible but - I don't play it honestly, the compatibility is low and the gamma is so dark - I wouldn't have minded waiting another few months for some of those issues to be worked out, and with that in mind the wait for fMame32 is a lot easier to take (and the eventual release of fGen32 likewise).

So, bottom line - this scene is getting kind of annoying lately, I love GP32 but it's disheartening seeing all the bashing (people jumping ship to Zodiac and pissing all over GP32 as they go) and all the newb's asking the SAME questions (where's snes snes snes do it now now now where's mame mame..) - I know that is to be expected, we were all newb's once, but come on, it's actually pissing off the emu authors now - and on top of that, people talking like "we ARE going to see a snesemu for Xmas" and preaching it as gospel. That was cool to say a few months ago I guess, but hey it's late November already!

I don't mean to piss people off, I guess I am just kind of a little irritated myself and I would like to get excited about the GP32 again and have interesting conversations about what we can really do with GP besides snes, mame, snes, mame.

..ok rant over, besides I got work to do..
I said *If* yoyo's secret project is a snes emulator, I think he will release it on christmas. If it is a snes emu, and he does release it on christmas, I think it'll be as fast or faster than snes9xgp, because 1, he's yoyo, the creator of the perfect speed nes emulator, and 2, he's been working on it for a really long time (consider what he did with ljgp32 with the amount of time he spent working on it).
yeah, but remember. there's years of technology differences between a NES and a SNES.

also look how quick a perfect NES emu came out for GBA (face it, it's still superior to little john, except for the screen aspect) and the fact that they never got any type of SNES emu running on that system (keeping in mind that the GBA has dedicated video hardware that helps out a lot with emulation, whereas it must all be done by the CPU on the GP32)

note, I love LJGP, it's a great emulator and perhaps the best/most complete emulator available on this system right now (that or GPEngine) in my opinion. I think a lot was proved by how smoothly it was pulled off, but I still think comparing it to SNES emulation is like apples and oranges.

(if you can ever show me perfect Genesis emulation, I will change my tune!)

oh one last thing - all the above that I have stated is considering no one will make a SNES emu in assembly, just ports. Assembly is another issue altogether, as has long been said - but no one is going to attempt that, and who can blame them!! Look at Jeff's recent rant on the trials + tribulations of assembly programming to get the picture.
Considering that the original Little John emulator features both SNES and NES emulation, it is not unlikely that his secret project may be to add SNES emulation into it. He is my last hope for really good snes emulation, since judging by the results, he is the best coder for the gp32. If he is working on something else, I am sure it would be interesting as well :)
Hmm... what is fSnes like atm? I had the impression that it *was* going, but was going fairly slowly attamo. Although that was some time ago, and I can't remember where I got the impression (ancient WIP or something?)
I think u got that from gpzine issue 2. I cant remember any wips referring to fsnes other than ryleh had found a promising pc sne emu and was going to port it. A progress repot would be nice but i could deal without it. and as for full speed snes emu with sound, i cant see it happenin either,hell, there isnt even any gauratee that yoyofr's secret project is even snes. Lets remember what he said in interviews at the start, he said that he would first port the nes emulation then move on to gb/gbc then try gba and if he gets time implement snes emulation. Fsnes and yoyofr's secret project /*assumming that it is a snes emu*/ are probably the gps last chance, but who knows.
Im getting tired of all this jibba jabba about"the gp's final days" or "last hope" I have to keep this short, but i say so long the developer kit is free and available, and as long as there are two owners of a GP 32 out there, people will buy and PLAY the gp32. Heck, dont people still develop homebrew for the 2600?!?
there is a slight difference between the once extremly mainstream 2600 and the gp32. the gp32's community is very small and even smaller is the amont of programmers that develop for it. In other words we do not so much have to worry about the scene members moving on but the scene developers. lets face it, most of the developers have full time jobs and will quite easily be able to afford next gen handhelds. we may still see basic hombrew games but it is unlikely once ryleh and yoyfr move on (assuming they will) that we will ever see f/s snes with sound. this is because as opposed to homebrew games getting a fullspeed snes emulation will take vast programming knowledge. we where not saying that the scene was dead, just that f/s snes is unlikely.
C'mon guys- we have to keep the morale up- Were all worried that rlyeh and yoyfr are leaving when they havent said anything yet. I too worry about these guys leaving - and it dosent help complaining that rlyeh hasnt released his emulators on time. Put yourselves in his shoes- If you read people flaming you for not releasing your works on time, wouldent you consider leaving too? I sure in the hell would :) I mean, everytime I see FGEN mentioned here, its a complaint about it beeing too late. Its nice to be admired by fans.... but to be ranked on by the same fans you gave free food to earlier isnt cool either! The last post I saw here with rlyeh in it was scarry. He seemed utterly pissed-

My advice would be to limit comments on rlyeh's and yoyfr's work to excitement and to thank them for what they have done thus far for the gp32. -

Also, how many of us are actually donating to these guys for their hard work?
quite a few authors usually stick to a project and refine it based on the interest, positive feedback and donations from others? Me? Hell yeah I donate (under yet another alias) - in 2001 I divided 3000.00usd between 15 emulator authors. It will happen again in 2004 then again in 2007 and so on! Its what me friend in america calls "Keeping it real".

Anyway, lets keep the morale high- Gp32 is far from dead and I'm sure christmas will hold a few surprises- and hopefully some appologies to the gp32s top emulator authors :)


hmm I wonder what annoys them more, constantly nagging them for emulators of constantly kissing thier asses (programmers are a humble sort.. sometimes!)

heh heh, but seriously, the intention of my rant wasn't to pull anyone's morale down, just kind of ground things and lash out at the newbie wave (it's like boxing with god!!) - and mainly to say while of course I'd LOVE a great snes emulator/mame/genesis as much as the next guy, I am not counting on it (or expecting it so much) and instead there's so much about the GP32 to love already (NOW who's kissing ass!!)

Seriously, I keep finding great games that play perfectly on it as it is, with that in mind it does make me upset with all the talk lately of "GP32 failed to live up to promises" and such - far from it, of course not the hype of the big powerful popular system emulation but still there's more than enough on it NOW for me to enjoy (and apparently many of you as well) - so maybe we could clutter the boards more with praise about that, instead of "what and when.." I guess I am preaching to the choir at this point, but hey - sometimes it's just fun to go off on a rant.

As far as above topics mentioned - I really doubt we'll see fSnes anytime soon, in fact I'd prefer NOT too since the same guy has already shown WIP of Gen + Mame, I'd like to hope he's tackling those herculean efforts before adding another one on the fire (ahhh, but we each have our m.o. right!!) Despite my tone, Fullspeed Snes would be excellent and someday we'll see it on SOMETHING, I am sure I will pick up a device that will provide it too - but for now, fullspeed Coleco, Atari 2600/800, PCE, SMS, MSX, NES (and on and on) is keeping me damn well occupied.

One last note, I also support donating a bit of $$ to the emu authors, I have yet to pitch in myself (one of these days!) but I think it's a nice thing, send a little kick-down - heh they probably prefer anything these days, money or otherwise, so long as it's not a flame or a nag.

Now where's my Daphne emu dammit!!
He he - well.... now, an ass kisser is much better than a bitchy free-loader- And i think we've used up our bitchy freeloader allowances. know what I mean? :)

Seriously ralph- I know you werent being negative and I sympathize with you. I guess im excited- also the asm end of coding and porting is being learned so- I may have to come out of a 5 year retirement to show my support for an already legendary handheld :)
