Indeed the question "Are we still a friendly community" is a good question, albeit a provacative one. The internet is a diverse place, and various opinions and perspectives abound, and many are convinced their opinion or perspective is the "right one". Perhaps this is wrong, at best it is just pathetic, but that is the way things are. This, of course, is MY opinion, and the culmination of observation and experience. My choice is to ignore such individuals in the hopes they will go away.
As most, if not all of you, are avid gamers, I am sure you are familiar with the online gaming scene. This is an enviornment filled with individuals who will shout "N00B" in their illegible leetspeak the second they have the opportunity. Maybe it makes them feel good about themselves, or provides an ego boost, but from my standpoint, it is just foolish.
No matter what the topic, we have all been new or inexperienced, there is nothing "bad" or "stupid" about it. Some people are adept at search engines and looking for answers without help, while others are more comfortable with seeking help from a community. Perhaps this is because they are unsure of themselves, or maybe they are just looking for a voice of experience.
I agree that the term "Newbie" has become an insult, as if to say "You don't know what you are doing, you are stupid." I enjoy online gaming myself, some games I am new to, and very terrible at. More than once I have received the response, "U R PWNED N00B!" From my standpoint, I lost due to my inexperience, but I would have enjoyed the game more if the individual had perhaps said "Good game, I can see you are perhaps inexperienced, want a few pointers?" I am sure this type of individual felt gratified in slaughtering me and then being rude, but in reality they just made a fool of themselves in my eyes.
Sound familiar? We see it every day on various forums throughout the internet, this one included. What makes these individuals foolish is the fact that they judge the person on one event and/or statement. The fact of the matter is that we all have our strengths and weaknesses. To ignore this is complete folly, and only goes to show the ignorance of the accuser in my opinion.
Personally, I just laugh such individuals off as pathetic and ignore them. I am quite aware that though they me more knowlegeable on a given topic or more adept at a certain task, that I surpass them in another area by far. This is not to be arrogant, but I am self-assured enough to know that no one person can know everything, and if they did, they certainly wouldn't spend their time giving others grief.
I am a relatively new addition to the GP32 community (though I am currently without a GP32 as I eagerly await my BLU), but everyone I have met with has been very helpful. I have sent a few private emails, and obtained some very helpful responses in addition to my forum post(s). So far, the community may have its opinions, but people are willing to help.
What makes and should make the GP32 community special is its willingness to assist and be open. Before I pre-ordered my GP32 BLU, I gave strong consideration to getting a Zodiac. What made my choice final was the fact that the GP32 community is open source and more interested in the goals than profit. Once again, this is MY opinion, but it is that opinion that helped me make my final choice.
The Zodiac is a great piece of hardware, there is no doubt about that. However, it is far more commercial in nature. The GP32 is based on community by its very open nature, and that is why I chose it. I have been using Linux for years (since 1993) and it has grown so much because of people who wanted to meet their goals, not just a profit. Just looking at the advancement of Linux shows how such a community can grow. I want to be a part of that, and I am sure many of you do to!
There will always be nay-sayers and those find it a requirement to find fault in just about everything they deal with. Nevertheless, it is not about them, it is about US as a community! Just look at how Linux has advanced as open software, let us show them what can be done with hardware as well!