Are There Any Pandoras Left?

Dragons_Slayer said:
I also send an email a while ago, I hope there are still some left. I was also wondering what the price is in euros, is it just converting 330$ (that the price right?) to euros with the current convertion rate? and how much is the AV cable?
i suggest you send another email since there are for-sure 50 left. Didn't you say you sent it like a month ago?
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Well I said a while ago but I meant like last friday :P but I have already send another email, this time to or something.
Dragons_Slayer said:
Well I said a while ago but I meant like last friday :P but I have already send another email, this time to or something.
i sent an email yesterday, got a reply today. i plan to make my official order tonight and pay as soon as i get the chekout link.
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hamtotem said:
i sent an email yesterday, got a reply today. i plan to make my official order tonight and pay as soon as i get the chekout link.

I also got an email, an answer from my first mail, going for that one, it's from Evil Dragon's, he's located in Germany and that's very close to where live. Going to place my order this evening.
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My boyfriend sent an email yesterday, a few hours before I did. I got an email back, with the order form, but he didn't. He's going to try sending another email. Do you think he has a chance? I think it's odd because he should have gotten his first.
NoKtPapilio said:
My boyfriend sent an email yesterday, a few hours before I did. I got an email back, with the order form, but he didn't. He's going to try sending another email. Do you think he has a chance? I think it's odd because he should have gotten his first.
Perhaps when you reply, tell them what you just us and give them his email address. If his email has slipped through the cracks (which can happen), you might save his day.
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Gruso said:
NoKtPapilio said:
My boyfriend sent an email yesterday, a few hours before I did. I got an email back, with the order form, but he didn't. He's going to try sending another email. Do you think he has a chance? I think it's odd because he should have gotten his first.
Perhaps when you reply, tell them what you just us and give them his email address. If his email has slipped through the cracks (which can happen), you might save his day.
I hope so; I just told them right now; I hope it's not too late. Thanks for your advice!
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I send an email to ED's shop for an order, I also got an email from openpandorasales, as I also wrote to them (but I chose to order in ED's shop) so openpandorasales still has some pandora's too.
Dragons_Slayer said:
I send an email to ED's shop for an order, I also got an email from openpandorasales, as I also wrote to them (but I chose to order in ED's shop) so openpandorasales still has some pandora's too.
Excuse my ignorance, but what is ED's shop?
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I sent a new email yesterday to openpandorasales, but nothing. ¿Could somebody help me?, I've tried a lot of times since last October 3th.
Thanks in advance. Andrés.
Andrés José said:
I sent a new email yesterday to openpandorasales, but nothing. ¿Could somebody help me?, I've tried a lot of times since last October 3th.
Thanks in advance. Andrés.

It can take a while before they answer, make sure you put your address in it, what you want to order (if you want more than only th pandora, an accessoire or something) and the method of paying you want to use.
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I agree with Andres.
I sent an Email about a week ago enquiring about purchasing a Pandora and have had no reply.
I'm not sure if our Emails aren't getting through, or if it is just bad customer service?
Any help would be appreciated as I now don't want to miss out on purchasing one.
Be patient. It took ED more than a week to reply.
In the meanwhile I was able to order via openpandorasales. So they are propably just busy.
That was about two weeks ago
They are busy and working part time to answer emails. It took me 3 days to get a reply last month and I emailed all 3 addresses. Its not bad customer service. Its just the fact they are doing this in there spare time and like most people spare time is a rarity these days. So bare with them if you emailed all the addresses then someone will get back to you
I sent an email to openpandorasales today. Should I email the other two as well, or does that just make things more difficult?
Also, what is the likelihood I will be able to purchase one of the remaining 50 if I ordered today?