Sales No answer on

Hello to all readers
I received a response yesterday to 21.00, on my professional email address. :D
It is possible that the email address or personal antispam eat.
thanks marc95 :D That's good to know.

I sent an email at 12:40 requesting a delivery address change. I got a reply by *drumroll* 14:10, that's excellent service! :D
FAX3l Hello,
It is reassuring! :D
The answer that you received was about the same email address? (This may serve to others)
Yep, the mail was from

Good luck, but dont worry, i think they just have a lot of thing to do with everyfuckingbody mailin to them!
I order Pandora etc. from, resp. using PayPal and all things what I want I wrote in comment during PayPal payment order.
During few hours I received conformation mail .. OK
After few days PayPal cancelled all payments.
My money are back on my bank account.
I sent mail to for first time with request what to do now.
No answer.
So after 2 days I sent it again ...
Now Im waiting for more than week for answer. I understand that everybody there have problems with all this but I think that answer with little info what to do will be fine.

So I dont know if my preorder is still OK, how I should pay, if I will receive something somewhen ...

Any sugestion how to solve it?

I dont want to "disturb" mailbox for three times ....
Snappy said:
I sent mail to for first time with request what to do now.
No answer.
So after 2 days I sent it again ...
Now Im waiting for more than week for answer. I understand that everybody there have problems with all this but I think that answer with little info what to do will be fine.

So I dont know if my preorder is still OK, how I should pay, if I will receive something somewhen ...
It seems that some mail just isn't getting through to them on that address. Then again, there could be something blocking it at your end. Checked your spam folder recently? ;-) If you have another email account you could use, try mailing them through that. Otherwise your best bet is to give them a call. Your preorder should still be OK.
SteveM said:
Snappy said:
I sent mail to for first time with request what to do now.
No answer.
So after 2 days I sent it again ...
Now Im waiting for more than week for answer. I understand that everybody there have problems with all this but I think that answer with little info what to do will be fine.

So I dont know if my preorder is still OK, how I should pay, if I will receive something somewhen ...
It seems that some mail just isn't getting through to them on that address.

I had the same issue and had to email from a different address (and I checked my spam mailbox at least daily). The Pandora team may wish to use spam filters that are less craptastic than what they are using at the moment (and yeah, just because it's Google does not mean it's perfect). Had I been a less patient person the situation would've gone from attempting contact to getting peeved at lack of reply to a call to my CC provider to retract payment.

Seriously, I recognise the need for spam filters (mine catches just shy of 1000 pieces of spam per day) but where financial transactions and customer contact are concerned having overzealous ones can wind up leading to extreme disappointment. :/

Otherwise your best bet is to give them a call. Your preorder should still be OK.

Sometimes, having blown a large wad of cash on an item, an international call does not look at all appealing.

All this said, though, once I did get through to them they were very prompt and helpful (had this happened on my first email I'd've been thrilled at the service given) so it's not all bad. It's just that one should not jump through hoops to get through to the soft, creamy centre. ;)

SteveM said:
Snappy said:
I sent mail to for first time with request what to do now.
No answer.
So after 2 days I sent it again ...
Now Im waiting for more than week for answer. I understand that everybody there have problems with all this but I think that answer with little info what to do will be fine.

So I dont know if my preorder is still OK, how I should pay, if I will receive something somewhen ...
It seems that some mail just isn't getting through to them on that address. Then again, there could be something blocking it at your end. Checked your spam folder recently? ;-) If you have another email account you could use, try mailing them through that. Otherwise your best bet is to give them a call. Your preorder should still be OK.

Thanx for advice .. I tried to send email to Jacquelyn from another email .. And .. It works! :D
I made wire transfer to Craigx (account address where in NewCastle :D ) according to received instructions and I hope that my Pandora is now prepayed correctly ...
Thanx again for knock me :wink: