Apple Ipad 2

SONY said:
Trooper, mate...this will answer all your questions as to why it's so awesome...

ipad 2 case
Apple Accessories
iPad2 cases
P.S. It's simply magical x 2

I was kind of waiting for something, but I'll probably go cheaper.. and I don't really like the prospect of developing for iOS, since it requires a Mac and usage of ObjC. Blackberry Playbook will be out soon and that'll have OMAP4, but I guess it's worth holding out for something with a keyboard.
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I probably won't be getting one because I think that it's absolute bullcrap that a device doubles in price when you want one with more memory. Plus, I don't like the absence of Ubuntu/someRandomLinuxDistro/anythingOtherThanSomethingMadeByApple.
I don't like the fact that the new touchscreens are made of PLASTIC. That means they can be scratched up easily. I saw one in a store as a demo and it already had deep scratches al over the screen. Yes it is lighter but no thanks.
SONY said:
I prefer my Pandora :pandora2: :pandora2ut4: :wub:

I got a Pandora last year and intended to make an ass load of random videos about it but I never did much other than powering it on a few times. I have just given it back to one of the guys at TI that supplied parts to Craig and friends. I haven't really been following the Pandora sales much but are there more batches to be made?

As to why I'm posting to this thread... one of the reason is that most of the portable play time has been spent on the iPhone or iPads. I feel pretty bad since I really really liked the GP2X.
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