Anyone Planning On Using Original Controllers For Emulation?


Could crush a grape
May 11, 2009
I realise the Pandora will have excellent gaming controls, but still there's something about using the original pads and sticks that you just can't replace...

I was wondering if anyone else was planning on using their original pads for emulation? Also, I wanted to show off the stick that I threw together this evening, specifically for playing Amiga games.



It is a little bit ghetto, but it works perfectly!
christo930 said:
What is the second button for? Is it wired to "up" so you can have a jump button, or something?


At the moment it's just a second fire button. Every stick I had for the amiga had two buttons that were linked to the same microswitch.
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If I feel like plugging in a controller, I've got a USB modded SNES pad. I also bought the Megadrive USB conversion kit from, but instead of modding one controller with it, I built it into a cable (USB -> female 9pinD). So I can plug in a regular Megadrive pad, or my Sega Arcade Stick.
Sugar_Kane said:
christo930 said:
What is the second button for? Is it wired to "up" so you can have a jump button, or something?


At the moment it's just a second fire button. Every stick I had for the amiga had two buttons that were linked to the same microswitch.

There were some Amiga games that actually used a second firebutton, they were very rare though.
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And some that could make use of all 6 buttons of a CD32 gamepad.

Alien Breed 3D is the only one that comes to mind though, and there's not a chance in hell than Pandora will be able to emulate that at a playable speed :(
Enverex said:
There were some Amiga games that actually used a second firebutton, they were very rare though.
I didn't know that until relatively recently (although in fairness, I didn't own an Amiga at the time). :lol: I was quite surprised to find that B.C. Kid (which Factor 5 makes legally available as a free download) has an option to use a joystick with one fire button or two.

Anyway, more on-topic, when hooking up to the TV, it's fairly likely I'll use original or good third-party controllers. I have a SNES-to-USB adapter (with which I use an original SNES controller, and a Capcom Power Stick Fighter - the latter of which I more often use with MAME), and a PSX/GC/DC-to-USB adapter (which I use almost for a MadCatz MicroCon PSX controller, which I find much more comfortable and usable than Sony's awful pads; I may try it with a GameCube control pad too, if the need arises).
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The Pandora won't be able to emulate Alien Breed 3D??? Why not? Isn't the Pandora meant to be the daddy?? The GP2X did Doom so surely the Pandora should be able to comfortably emulate Alien Breed?
NickLoTurco said:
The Pandora won't be able to emulate Alien Breed 3D??? Why not? Isn't the Pandora meant to be the daddy?? The GP2X did Doom so surely the Pandora should be able to comfortably emulate Alien Breed?

Did the GP2X emulate Doom? I suspect that the Pandora may be able to emulate an A1200, but AB3D ran like a dog on anything less than a 50mhz '030. Doubtful that the Pandora will be able to emulate that.

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Whats the point of playing with Pandora with that controls? there are too big for a handheld console, well, maybe you are looking for connect Pandora to tv and then play old games with original pad?
NickLoTurco said:
Did the GP2X emulate Doom? I suspect that the Pandora may be able to emulate an A1200, but AB3D ran like a dog on anything less than a 50mhz '030. Doubtful that the Pandora will be able to emulate that.


Exactly Doom on the GP2X was a source port. AB3D will need to be emulated. I played it on an 030/50Mhz but even then only the first few levels were fun. It really needed an 040 or 060 processor, which the Pandora will certainly not be able to emulate at any reasonable speed.

Gruso said:
Didn't the Alien Breed 3D source get released?

I'm not sure how accurate the Wikipedia article is. I remember that the source to The Killing Grounds (Alien Breed 3D II) were released. That game wasn't as good, and the source itself is apparently so poorly documented as to to be worthless.

I could be wrong and the source to the original AB3D may have been released. If it has it must be in a pretty poor state as nobody in the Amiga scene has made the effort (in the 13 years since the source was allegedly released) to re-code it to render at 1*1 pixels instead of 2*2 - which should in itself be a pretty simple adjustment.

On top of all of that, even if the source code IS available and even if it IS useable, we need an AB3D loving Pandora owner to put the time and effort into making the port.

I'd say it's pretty unlikely that we'll ever see the game on Pandora (at anywhere approaching playable speeds, anyway...)
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I wasn't going to use original controllers with my Pandora, but I was planning to use some cheapo usb gamepads when connected to the telly.

However after getting a nice new TV I was finally unable to resist the temptation of getting a Wii so all my big-screen emulation needs are now catered for.

edit: Mind you the Wii can't use USB controllers so I'm stuck with Wimotes and Classic controllers, which are fine for most things, but that stick looks AWESOME for those waggle-like-hell olympic games of old!
Wait one darned second, original poster! I've seen this stick on the SRK forms!

Didn't know we had another stick modder here on gp32x!

I presently play emulated games with an arcade joystick on PC (a cthulhu-modded HRAP2:SA), but I don't think that would scale down to a Pandora very well... Hell, you could fit 3 or 4 Pandoras inside a HRAP2 anyway. Just seems like it makes the Pandora's best feature - portability - completely irrelevant.
Drack said:
Wait one darned second, original poster! I've seen this stick on the SRK forms!

Didn't know we had another stick modder here on gp32x!

I presently play emulated games with an arcade joystick on PC (a cthulhu-modded HRAP2:SA), but I don't think that would scale down to a Pandora very well... Hell, you could fit 3 or 4 Pandoras inside a HRAP2 anyway. Just seems like it makes the Pandora's best feature - portability - completely irrelevant.

Hey hey! Yes indeed, I'm a dirty stick modder too. We should be thoroughly ashamed of ourselves... By the by, I know that portability will be majorly sacrificed if I wanged that stick out on a bus. Really it will only be for tv-out play, just to get that original feel when I play on the tv.
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Would prefer an original controller my self when playing emulators via TV-out.
Got a Snes to USB adaptor already but I might be tempted to pay out for some USB modded controllers if I can get the coin together.

Home brew games etc., I'd like to use my Saitek P3000 if possible.

p.s Nice stick. Reminds me of one I made back in the Amiga days :)
Yeah I'm gonna use the TV-Out..

As for the controller, I'm not a simply joystick with two buttons kind of guy since I've grown up with the Sony/Microsoft Consoles.

I'd rather use a Classic Controller or a PS2 Controller. Just get a USB Adapter and Extension Chord. Both are like around $6 for the PS2.