Any Information On The Support And Warrenty For The New Device?


Apr 23, 2008
I would like to preorder this device when the option is available, but up until now there is very little to no information about how the support for this device will be from the openpandora website. I'm talking about hardware warrenty and replacement for defects.

I'm sold on the performance and features, but I don't know anything about the reliability of the unit. Since this is a one of its kind device there is no pre-existing experience I can use to predict like other major brands. Normally I wouldn't ask this, but I'm only asking because of the nature of this project and I just want to make sure I get a good deal for the ~$350 investment I'll be making.

I haven't yet grasp how much mass produced is intended for this model. Right now from what I understand this model will be limited produce. Or are there plans for much, much more after the first 3000 batch? Beside the online community, perhap a technical customer support department would be limited for such a project? I just want some security in knowing I will get good warrenty and support down the year incase something does goes wrong. Sorry for being a little bit eager to know, I guess that more information will be available on the website when the preorder is available.

I don't go on this forum very much so sorry if I miss another thread about this.
craig and co will stand behind their product and support it theyre good people yada yada the usual
why dont people wait till the preorder actually happens before asking shit? im sure it will be up before people can preorder
Sqidge has said that the law requires 1 year warranty on a new product so that is probably what you will get.
PoisonedV said:
craig and co will stand behind their product and support it theyre good people yada yada the usual
why dont people wait till the preorder actually happens before asking shit? im sure it will be up before people can preorder
Valid point, terrible way of saying it. On top of the fact that moderators have tried to correct you on more than one occasion today as it is. <_<
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javaJake said:
PoisonedV said:
craig and co will stand behind their product and support it theyre good people yada yada the usual
why dont people wait till the preorder actually happens before asking shit? im sure it will be up before people can preorder
Valid point, terrible way of saying it. On top of the fact that moderators have tried to correct you on more than one occasion today as it is. <_<

that was yesterday, and how was it a terrible way of saying it? admittedly, the shit wasn't necessary, pointless really, but I don't see how it was "Terrible"

people seem to constantly forget that very few people have actually had a hands on experience with the device

and they also constantly forget how to use the search
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PoisonedV said:
that was yesterday, and how was it a terrible way of saying it? admittedly, the shit wasn't necessary, pointless really, but I don't see how it was "Terrible"
I don't see how it saying "yada yada ****" isn't a "terrible" answer, or that it's even neutral. :P
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PoisonedV said:
that was yesterday, and how was it a terrible way of saying it? admittedly, the shit wasn't necessary, pointless really, but I don't see how it was "Terrible"
It's annoying to have to answer the same questions over and over. It's more annoying to see you bitching about every single one of them. Either answer the question civilly or don't post anything. Nobody is impressed by how cranky you are.

OP: Warranty quotes 1 2
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