Fixing A Broken Pandora Out Of Warranty


Sep 18, 2005
I know this probably seems a bit of a dumb question to ask seeing as the pandora is still a few months off being released, but I will anyway.

The warranty lasts for one year, past that, craigx just confirmed we will be able to order parts.

For the less tech savvy (me) will there be a place we can send a broken pandora to be fixed once the warrenty is up? My computer fixing skills stop at hitting and turning off and on again I am afraid...
Mithrildor said:
Im pretty sure they will order (YES I mean order and not hire) some chinese people to fix them after a while.
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White Demon said:
Sure there is. Send it back to Craigix (or whoever you bought it from).

I'm sure they'll be happy to repair it for you, for a fee of course.
Yeah, I assumed there was a fee, otherwise there would be no point in the warranty expiring :P
Thanks for the reply.

As for the Chinese comment, there is a place for racism, and that place is South Park!

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Nobody can answer this except the devs. They very well may do repairs on broken units out of warranty but let's let the devs answer rather than guessing or assuming the answer. There's to much guessing on here lately. Personally I'm hoping we can send a broken unit back for repairs aswell as I'm not so great with a soldering iron. Anyhow lets worry about that a few months down the line coz we haven't even got a pandora yet :)