Any default sounds on the pandora?


Jan 11, 2005
I don't have access yet to an SD Card (until I get home) and I was curious if the thing booted up with sound or something? I've yet to hear it do anything.
However, you're always welcome to make your own noises when it's booting up.

"Woosh! KaTang! Blammo! Kapow! ...OOOPPEENN-PANDOOORRRAA!!!" - Though you'll probably get some strange looks for that last one.
Hmmmm. Boot up sounds.

Has anyone enabled the drive sound emulation on WinUAE? It makes the faint wirring noise of the floppy drive sector seeking. It makes me all emotional. :'(
Not just any old hard drives, but 80's SEAGATE hard drives!

It's like some bizzare niche fetish!

Seriously, who uploads stuff like that to YouTube?
While we're at it- any chance of being able to configure the boot up screen, some time down the track?

I know that booting the Pandora is such a small part of its usage, but somehow I feel like it would make it feel... more personal- more like my own system, I guess.
Like blue and yellow horizontal stripes flashing around the border accompanied by high pitched modem squeals?

That sounds familiar... :)
Like blue and yellow horizontal stripes flashing around the border accompanied by high pitched modem squeals?

That sounds familiar... :)

Heh... I could do without the stripes, but there's something about the concept of using a dial-up modem handshake sequence as a start up sound that really appeals to me for some reason... :-)
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