Still Fresh
I just bought my GP32.. I got SNES emu, and some roms
-final fantasys
and street fighter worked once, but whenever I try to load the other roms it just sits at a black screen, and doesn't load. Sometimes I see flickering in the backound. Is this because my batteries aren't full? I tried running the OC versions and they all crashed
I'm charging up some batteries now, but what worries me is that SnesEMU runs perfect and Snes9x doesn't work
I just want some sound! :angry:
-final fantasys
and street fighter worked once, but whenever I try to load the other roms it just sits at a black screen, and doesn't load. Sometimes I see flickering in the backound. Is this because my batteries aren't full? I tried running the OC versions and they all crashed
I'm charging up some batteries now, but what worries me is that SnesEMU runs perfect and Snes9x doesn't work