Any chance of posting queue position...

As I write this, I got an e-mail about this. Coincidentally, I was just about to PM Craig about it. My position's between 1100-1200.

You have your shipping email? Or just a random email about how the queue system is pretty much being ignored?

You have your shipping email? Or just a random email about how the queue system is pretty much being ignored?


No, the cue number e-mail. Of course, I'm taking this with a grain of salt. Or rather, a whole salt shaker. I'm not getting mine for some time.
Seeing that people with bunk Pandoras are getting replacements sent prior to return of bunk Pandora, I am impressed with the trust in our community. I hope you get your magic email too Dunny.
Got an email today saying its on the way.

Original order was around 16:20 UTC Sept 30th 2008.

few hours later recieved UPS tracking number.

I was given a 500-600 estimate in queue.

I am supposedly in the 450-500 Queue. Still nothing :(
Pfff... been waiting patiently for over 2 years and this last 2 weeks have been the most difficult.

I got my confirmation mail on 30 sep 2008 at 21:44 (probably GMT+2) which would make it 19:44 UTC... How much longer?! weeks? days? hours? minutes?

sigh... ;)
I received my "your Pandora has been shipped" email yesterday. The confirmation email was received on September 30, 2008 16:13 UTC. Queue position was 350-450 back in July.

No I haven't gotten mine yet but if the other guy his and he was in the 400 - 500 queue and is order was around 15:00 (UTC) on 30th of september.
Keep in mind that queue positions can change radically over time, depending on cancellations by people in front of you or deliveries. So the accuracy of his position depends on when he asked about it.
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Hello fellow pandoranites I've just recieved the my Pandora has been shipped email. I'm from California and ordered on Sept 30, 2008 8:36am. You guys can figure out the UTC conversion. My estimated queue position was 400-500 from Craig's store. It's been two years. I'm glad it'll be here soon.
The date on my receipt email was: Tue, 30 Sep 2008 18:02:21 +0100 (BST) and I have not received an email yet. To think I even paid for the air shipping so I could get it sooner. D'oh!

- Sev