1. A holographic screen stretchable up to 21"-10'
... or a projector, which ever
2. A drive that has 350gig media cards/discs/crystals/cubes
3. A slot for additional internal memory or something
4. A holographic touch recognition keyboard (ah well one can dream)
5. A nuclear energy source :unsure:
6. Video chip
7. an internal blue tooth like module
8. A voice/hostess
9. minicam
10. TV addon w/ mini satellite addon available
11. is 8"x4"x1"
12. Has surround sound ( speakers deploy and float/rotate around you... like mosquitos)
13. Greater fanbase, more professional developers
14. Can be hooked up to tv, computer, phone, etc etc
2. A drive that has 350gig media cards/discs/crystals/cubes
3. A slot for additional internal memory or something
4. A holographic touch recognition keyboard (ah well one can dream)
5. A nuclear energy source :unsure:
6. Video chip
7. an internal blue tooth like module
8. A voice/hostess
9. minicam
10. TV addon w/ mini satellite addon available
11. is 8"x4"x1"
12. Has surround sound ( speakers deploy and float/rotate around you... like mosquitos)
13. Greater fanbase, more professional developers
14. Can be hooked up to tv, computer, phone, etc etc