Android gingerbread in a pnd?

One problem with Android seems to be that it likes to keep all programs running.
Applications that are not active are supposed to go to sleep unless specifically designed not to. When you start the application again, it just wakes it up, minimizing start up times. If there are too many background applications taking up memory, Android will begin killing them off.

Either this build didn't do these things it was supposed to, or the applications you were running were designed to keep running even while in the background for unknown reasons.

Ah. Okay. Or maybe this is some CM7 setting that needs to be tweaked.
Wee, thanks to notaz for android. Just saw this a few hours ago! Sent you some cash for ice cream :) even flash is working fast enough on my 600mhz old pandora. Awesome awesome!
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One problem with Android seems to be that it likes to keep all programs running. When I made the video, I had to restart before running BlooKid, as it was suffering from slowdowns (probably because the other apps were still active).

Never used Android before, I guess you need to install a taskmanager?

From my experience of using a few different devices Android tends to handle task management very well & no task manager should be required.

I've also noticed, on a 256MB Pandora, that the longer an Android session is, the slower things get and guessed that was something to do with memory management. Interesting to hear it happens with the new units as well.
Another silly question (maybe) but..

If Flash is working fine on Android, Is there any way of tricking the default Pandora browsers/operating system into using that version; even if it means Android always takes up a SD slot to do it? e.g You want to run a flash game so you insert your Android SD card before starting the program up.

Either that or a way to copy some of the files over and trick it into running directly? (using a faux Android file system)

Just wondering :)
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I found, that if you run android, zram is still active.Maybe if an app swapped its data to zram and it wakes up, it might need to get the compressed pages, so this is slower?
As far as task managers go, android has a very good one built in. From memory its settings -> applications -> manage
Just tried world of goo pure genius also noted what was said earlier about slowdown after playing for 20 minutes alot of games music player and vids seam to lag a bit.
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Wow. Streaming TV on your Pandora.

Download the MX Player from Google Play. Then register at Then go to

Works really well.

*edit* think it's UK only
Damn, tried to make this work and I couldn't get any of the links to work. Always came up with error pages. I think it is having trouble recognising that I am from the UK
Another question:

Is it normal that so many free games either want to force you into buying stuff or display adverts all of the time?

Pretty annoying...

Its the way they make their money while still offering a fully functional free game. Download AdAway from the Play Store, it's like AdBlock for Firefox, it blocks all adverts in apps/games aswell as websites. I assume it'll work fine on the Pandora too.
One problem with Android seems to be that it likes to keep all programs running.

When I made the video, I had to restart before running BlooKid, as it was suffering from slowdowns (probably because the other apps were still active).

Never used Android before, I guess you need to install a taskmanager?

Android isn't an OS for me... it's like a launcher on top of a kernel with lots of missing features :)

It really isn't, it has superb task management (some of the best ever I'd say), there is also a built in task manager from which you can manually kill tasks.

The features you think are missing will exist, you should give it some time and learn to use it, many people who expected to hate Android have been converted, it's a superb OS which keeps on getting better - plus commercial game support will no doubt surpass any other handheld within the next year.
A superb OS for phones perhaps... While I'll be the first to agree Android has several strong points which we would do well to adopt, the longer I'm using it the more convinced I become that as an OS its just not a good fit for the pandora as a whole.

What I'd really like to see is a wine-like android wrapper, that would let us run the Android apps without having to leave the Angstrom environment.

- Neelix
and here is the new Video with Android and the golden Pandora.

I as a minimalist,turned off most of Android Performanceeaters like (Design Animation and and and)

This Video is with 850 MHZ and the 3D Game Jet Stunt Car Lite.
Its amazing how Android work on the Pandora,but one Thing have i.

The Wlan Signal is very Low with this Version,but work :lol:

Amazing Work,what you have made :rolleyes:
@Notaz once you load up android the battery state and time do not change at all (at least the battery doesn't, pretty sure the time doesn't either).
ok video number 1: streaming online video content.

EDIT: moved video as was at bottom of page where likely is not going to be seen :P

I am putting together a couple more like this one showing things like emulators running and native android apps/games.
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I've also noticed, on a 256MB Pandora, that the longer an Android session is, the slower things get and guessed that was something to do with memory management. Interesting to hear it happens with the new units as well.
I suspect the SGX is leaking badly, I think it's leaking not only memory but TLB entries or something like that, so it's all progressively slowing down and everything starts crashing in the end. While newer drivers exist for 512M pandoras, this is the only working Android compatible driver for 256M ones :(
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I've also noticed, on a 256MB Pandora, that the longer an Android session is, the slower things get and guessed that was something to do with memory management. Interesting to hear it happens with the new units as well.
I suspect the SGX is leaking badly, I think it's leaking not only memory but TLB entries or something like that, so it's all progressively slowing down and everything starts crashing in the end. While newer drivers exist for 512M pandoras, this is the only working Android compatible driver for 256M ones :(
Ive noticed during a prolonged game of world of goo it quits back to android home when you finish a level with pretty bad lag it seams to be struggling to read the memory card.
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Downloaded Max Payne and GTA III both seem playable if there was some better control methods. GTA III isn't bad when driving since the D-Pad does most of the work.
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