Well, supporting the extra bus widths and instructions will require extra transistors, so more current is leaked, so while it's doing nothing it'll take more current. While it's doing work it's more complicated, and depends how you measure it - per kinstructions it's probably still more current, but per actual work done it may well be more efficient for certain tasks. That's all assuming process tech is the same, and cache sizes etc. (and of course, a similarly sized cache on a chip with 64-bit fetch would only be good for half as many instructions as a 32-bit cache would).
FWIW, I'm also not sure how many different applications 64-bit registers would be good for. For manipulating 3D vertices before sending them off to the GPU it'd be useful, but NEON already supports all the 64-bit registers you could shake a stick at. But 64bit is newer, and will benefit from newer designs and processes faster than any 32-bit processers that still get made will.