Amiga emulation


Apr 5, 2003
Newport, Wales, UK
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Does anyone reckon it'd be possibvle to emulate a commodore Amiga on the GP32? There are really good Windows and DOS based amiga emulators available (WinUAE, Fellow), and I remember them running at full speed on my old P133. There was some great stuff available for the Amiga....

What do people think?
That would be amazing just for Sensible World of Soccer, in fact I would have bought a GP32 if it was just a portable SWOS player! Every other Sensible Software game was great too though...

Makes me wish I could program more than a simple calculator!
Nice idea, although as much as I loved SWOS the player were very small. You might need a magnifying glass to play it on the GP32!!!!
this would probably be THE BEST THING EVER (I still have my Amiga 1200 and billions of games too + Fellow/WinuAE on my PCs)!

Turrican 2
Stunt Car Racer
Super Cars 2
Giana Sisters
Buggy Boy

to name but a few! (i have most of these games running on FrodoGP at the moment, but the C64 versions just aren't the same!)

if someone could port across Fellow or WinUAE to GP32 then that would be amazing (i really wish i was a program :( ) - however i remember a post from Craigix on here saying that the Amiga would be tricky to emulate because like the SNES, it has plenty of custom chips (for graphics and the Amigas main strength, sound)

he then said that an Atari ST emulator would be alot more likely (and alot i wasn't an Atari ST fan back in the day, if an emulator came out for it and it has virtually the same games as the Amiga anyway, then i won't be complaining!) because of the lack of custom chips

hopefully there's someone who can make an emulator for it out there!
(why wasn't either the Amiga/Atari ST including in that GP32Spain emulation competition???)
thebluenewt posted on Apr 5 2003 said:
That would be amazing just for Sensible World of Soccer, in fact I would have bought a GP32 if it was just a portable SWOS player! Every other Sensible Software game was great too though...

Makes me wish I could program more than a simple calculator!
Heh! You can play sensible soccer on SMS32 :) Its not quite the amiga version though!

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There's also Microprose Soccer on the C64, it was the forerunner to Sensi, it was good at the time but I haven't played it for a while...

SWOS has the management option, so addictive! Anyone know if it was on the ST? I used to take the piss out of ST owners though! :)
Well..... If my old P166 could handle a DOS amiga emulator (Fellow), then I'd have thought that the GP32 could handle it with no problems, even if we have to have a frameskip for full speed.

Thing is.... anyone porting it wouldnt havbe to worry about porting the whole OS over, just the Kickstart roms, and emulation of the custom chips.

I wish I had the know-how to do it myself! Ah well.... I live in hope!

Anyone have the echnical know-how to even attempt it? :rolleyes:
thebluenewt posted on Apr 5 2003 said:
That would be amazing just for Sensible World of Soccer, in fact I would have bought a GP32 if it was just a portable SWOS player! Every other Sensible Software game was great too though...

Makes me wish I could program more than a simple calculator!
I'd buy one for simply playing Speedball 2, two of my best versions being the Amiga and Megadrive releases. Ice Cream, Ice Cream!!
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There is an SMS version of Speedball 2 - Not as good as Amiga (never tried the megadrive) but it is close and a LOT of fun on the GP32!
Arutha posted on Apr 5 2003 said:
There is an SMS version of Speedball 2 - Not as good as Amiga (never tried the megadrive) but it is close and a LOT of fun on the GP32!
That's cool, i'm a bit of a Speedball PsYcHo, even went to the length of importing the Genesis version of Speedball 2. I've been meaning to buy the Master System versions but haven't yet tried them out. After hearing that the GBA port of this game was a little disappointing compared to the Retro Systems I soon looked towards the GP32 for the answers. Hopefully the Amiga or Megadrive will get emulated in the future then GP32 would be absolutely unstoppable!!

Anyway who can resist Moonwalker for the SMS :blink:
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I would love to think that I could play my old Amiga favourite on the GP32, but in all honesty I think it may be a little out of it's depth, an ST emu though may be more "do-able" and many of the earlier Amiga games were also available on ST, so......... maybe just maybe there is a way to play those games again....I hope so anyway........

Skeezix may just be the man to do it, if his work on Xcade is anything to go by.

Well..... If my old P166 could handle a DOS amiga emulator (Fellow), then I'd have thought that the GP32 could handle it with no problems, even if we have to have a frameskip for full speed.

Because the GP32 is a RISC processor, at 166 Mhz it actually turns out faster than a P166 :)
Apparently, there is already a port of the Amiga emulator UAE for the ARM processor, so it shouldnt be too hard to do a port for the GP32. Got some healthy debate going on at about the GP32. Head over there and post your interest about this on my thread on the 'Amiga Gaming' forum. The more we shout about it, the more chance there is of someone doing it :-)
I would love an Amigaemulator on GP32. Think of running all those games like Speedball, Sensible soccer and Superfrog. The amiga had the best shootemups and platform games with really smooth scrolling.

And if it could emulate an Amiga then Atari and 68kMacintosh could also be emulated.
thebluenewt posted on Apr 5 2003 said:
There's also Microprose Soccer on the C64, it was the forerunner to Sensi, it was good at the time but I haven't played it for a while...

SWOS has the management option, so addictive! Anyone know if it was on the ST? I used to take the piss out of ST owners though! :)
Unfortunately SWOS never made it to the ST, v1.2 of Sensible Soccer was the final version on that machine.

I'm currently playing Sensible Soccer on SNESemu. Not bad but slightly sluggish and with no sound, and of course the SNES version was never the bets version.
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i think it may be wishful thinking as there's a few Amiga titles that are only just running OK on machines over 1gig.

a few of my favourites...

Yo!Joe, Leander, Ilyad, Battle Squadron, Disposable Hero, Z-Out, Llamatron, Joe Power, Shadow of the Beast 3, Super Frog, Zool 2, Mean Arenas, Crazy Sue, Deflektor, Skid Marks 2, Stuntcar Racer, Deluxe Galaga, Pinball Fantasies, Archer Maclean Pool, Spin Dizzy Worlds...

... ok, went a bit mad there ;)

Leander and Battle Squadron are on megadrive i think.
also a nice version of Turrican 3.
hehe well maybe some microsoft programmer guy will find out about GP32 and come make stuff for it

can't see how that would help, stuff without bugs is always a plus:)

we just need to convince craigx to give some free gp32's away:D