Cyclone 68000 On Arm

fdave posted on Apr 23 2004 at 12:49 PM said:
BaDToaD posted on Apr 23 2004 at 12:44 PM said:
Not to take away from the AMIGA, but it certainly isn't the only platform mentioned in this thread with additional circuitry. The capabilities of all the mentioned platforms vary, and the AMIGA is not a the top of of that list.

Well let's put it this way. The Amiga will be the last on the list to be emulated properly so I think that say it all :P

I wouldn't be so sure! - At least the Amiga doesn't have any memory problems. How the hell are we going to fit all those CPS2 games into 8Mb of Ram?!

Can the GP32 load from flash carts midgame fairly quickly?
And can it load asyncronously (what I mean is, for CPS2/Neo Geo, is it feasible to swap bank of graphics in and out of Ram from Flash as they are used)?
it can stream + decode divx video at around 15fps, so I assume it can stream at a reasonable speed
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Hello Dave,

Have you got your gp32 working yet ;) anyway nice to see you hanging out here! And nice to see you supporting the arm CPU's in general, your 68k will make a lot of people happy.

craigix posted on Apr 23 2004 at 02:22 PM said:
Hello Dave,

Have you got your gp32 working yet ;) anyway nice to see you hanging out here! And nice to see you supporting the arm CPU's in general, your 68k will make a lot of people happy.


Yeah - it's working fine - thanks very very much for sending it to me (all those eons back!!!!).
I'm devving using DevkitAdvance.
The GP32 is a great little console - I love it! It and the XBox are definitely the best two platforms to write emulators for. And the batteries seem to last for ages!

I've ported PicoDrive to it (thought I might call it GPDrive) - and I put a rom select in last night - e-mail me this weekend if you want a beta. Revenge of Shinobi and Eswat are nice and playable right now. Striders playable up till end of level 2.

Thought I may even put it in for GBAX2004! (if it's ready ... could be a squeeze though, the deadlines only about a week off... eek!)

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fdave posted on Apr 23 2004 at 02:34 PM said:
craigix posted on Apr 23 2004 at 02:22 PM said:
Hello Dave,

Have you got your gp32 working yet ;) anyway nice to see you hanging out here! And nice to see you supporting the arm CPU's in general, your 68k will make a lot of people happy.


Yeah - it's working fine - thanks very very much for sending it to me (all those eons back!!!!).
I'm devving using DevkitAdvance.
The GP32 is a great little console - I love it! It and the XBox are definitely the best two platforms to write emulators for. And the batteries seem to last for ages!

I've ported PicoDrive to it (thought I might call it GPDrive) - and I put a rom select in last night - e-mail me this weekend if you want a beta. Revenge of Shinobi and Eswat are nice and playable right now. Striders playable up till end of level 2.

Thought I may even put it in for GBAX2004! (if it's ready ... could be a squeeze though, the deadlines only about a week off... eek!)

GPDrive has already been taken as a name dude B).
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fdave posted on Apr 23 2004 at 02:34 PM said:
I've ported PicoDrive to it (thought I might call it GPDrive) - and I put a rom select in last night - e-mail me this weekend if you want a beta. Revenge of Shinobi and Eswat are nice and playable right now. Striders playable up till end of level 2.

Thought I may even put it in for GBAX2004! (if it's ready ... could be a squeeze though, the deadlines only about a week off... eek!)

Blimey, another megadrive emu eh?
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krousti posted on Apr 23 2004 at 11:16 AM said:
well for neogeo, it's impossible due to ram requirement, or only less than 8 mo games. So just all the first games like alpha mission. And even NeoCD do'esnt seems possible as it require 7mo only for the ram
There should be plenty of Neo games that would be possible to emulate using the 68K core since Neo games Meg counts are based on bits and not bytes. A common misconception is that when someone sees a game like Metal Slug 3 with 703 Megs of ram, they think that it is actually 703 MB, when it is really only 88 MB. Obviously even still a game like MS3 can never be emulated on the GP32, but there are alot of games, the earlier titles like Magician Lord, Nam 75, Andro Dunnos, Fatal Fury, Bust a Move, Eightman and many more than would fit into the constraints of 8 MB for graphics. Then if you account for sound on some of the other titles for the Neo, there are even more games that could possibly be emulated if the sound was left out.

Anyone know if the guy who did the port of the Metal Slug demo is working on doing the whole game for the GP or not?
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Squidge posted on Apr 23 2004 at 03:49 PM said:
fdave posted on Apr 23 2004 at 02:34 PM said:
I've ported PicoDrive to it (thought I might call it GPDrive) - and I put a rom select in last night - e-mail me this weekend if you want a beta. Revenge of Shinobi and Eswat are nice and playable right now. Striders playable up till end of level 2.

Thought I may even put it in for GBAX2004! (if it's ready ... could be a squeeze though, the deadlines only about a week off... eek!)

Blimey, another megadrive emu eh?
I hope ONE of these versions will have sound support and run at least FS 1 or even 2. That would rock. Squidge didn't you say your MD emu would do that? If so Don't give up, yours would be the best as it would have audio.
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