Amiga Emulation?

pistols at dawn! (easy fight, Miggy guys can't get good sleep with that damn drive clicking going on or after their retinas burn out from shackycam resolutions :)

skeezix said:
pistols at dawn! (easy fight, Miggy guys can't get good sleep with that damn drive clicking going on or after their retinas burn out from shackycam resolutions :)


Lol. Yeah, I missed the hideous drive noises so i added them to uae... Build quality in general wasnt as good as ST (on the 500 anyway) with that Tv modulation unit hanging out the back on an inappropriate socket.

I dont remember anything using interlace resolution but a full page picture of something in interlace was an epilectics nightmare!

All I know is... my mate Ste who owned an st quickly fell in love with my Amiga and we hardly ever played his ST again... he practically lived round at my place once he`d seen (and heard) what it could do!

over to you jeff :P
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Ahhh memories of geeky fanboyism :)

I remember having an argument with one of the IT techies from a college I was looking around as to why the Amiga was better than a PC :blush:
Mike Fishcake said:
Ahhh memories of geeky fanboyism :)

I remember having an argument with one of the IT techies from a college I was looking around as to why the Amiga was better than a PC :blush:

Haha! well it all just depends what year that was... the ST was better than PCs too at one time. The PC was just one of a bunch of young hopefuls, so was apple mac.

Imagine if the Amiga or st had been released with a built in hard drive and business software as well as games at the time of launch... IBM and Apple mac were massively out gunned for a few years by these two home computers... It could have all been very different. :rolleyes: Ahhh... what a nice dream i was just having... WinDoze had never existed :lol:
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Philly said:
Mike Fishcake said:
Ahhh memories of geeky fanboyism :)

I remember having an argument with one of the IT techies from a college I was looking around as to why the Amiga was better than a PC :blush:

Haha! well it all just depends what year that was... the ST was better than PCs too at one time. The PC was just one of a bunch of young hopefuls, so was apple mac.

Imagine if the Amiga or st had been released with a built in hard drive and business software as well as games at the time of launch... IBM and Apple mac were massively out gunned for a few years by these two home computers... It could have all been very different. :rolleyes: Ahhh... what a nice dream i was just having... WinDoze had never existed :lol:

Imagine of Alan Sugar hadn't underestimated Microsoft. We might all be posting from an Amstrad...
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SomeGuy99 said:
Imagine of Alan Sugar hadn't underestimated Microsoft. We might all be posting from an Amstrad...

Alan Sugar made PCs in the end. I even remember one that had a megadrive built in. :D
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Iorgy77 said:
SomeGuy99 said:
Imagine of Alan Sugar hadn't underestimated Microsoft. We might all be posting from an Amstrad...

Alan Sugar made PCs in the end. I even remember one that had a megadrive built in. :D

Yeah, but he really didn't want to. He admitted he lost to Microsoft.

My mate had one of those PCs! They were cool, but the PC part was low spec for the time.
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timofonic said:
What about Gnostic's P-UAE?

Please don't underestimate P-UAE, it's from a GP32/GP2X/Wiz/Dingoo/PSP developer and the E-UAE sucessor.

E-UAE is the port of WinUAE back to UNIX. UAE was originally for *NIX. The E-UAE author is absolutely Missing In Action, no idea where he is at all, so P-UAE is our hope ;)
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Mike Fishcake said:

I've been lurking on this forum for a couple of weeks, having a good old read, watching you lot get excited about the Pandora, and I have to say I'm getting intrigued :)

Anyway - has anyone had chance to have a really good go at the Amiga emulation? I was an Amiga Fanboy in the 1990s (and bought an A1200 again last year ;) ) so I'm especially keen on seeing how this works out.


The Amiga emulator is working great, I tried Turrican 2, Rick Dangerous, chaos engine, Gobliins 2, Zool,and they all played full speed. there is no KB support but will be very soon, just as soon as a Dev with free time gets there hands on it.

It's a fantastic start and is very enjoyable

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mvickers03 -- which UAE, now that we have 2 or 3 posted ;)

ED -- We've had so many random UAE builds arond over the last year or two, and I never looked at one of them ;) I keep meaning to dive into Amiga and try some of the stuff, but never got around to it (25 years late, I know I know ;) -- but since fir the first few years, most Miggy games were poor ports of ST games, I never saw the point back then. (Actually, this is true; and the ST is ever so slightly faster CPU, so a poor port from ST to Amiga often left the ST version a little better. The Miggy quickly clawed ahead in terms of res and music, and with an expandable arch and better overall machine for gaming, the later years games beat the hell out the poor ST (ignoring things like machine cost, etc.) Still, back in 1987 or so there was some cool RPGs for Miggy that we never had on ST, my friends quickly showed me. Course, Falcon ran much faster on the ST, so I was rubbing their noses in that...)

skeezix said:
mvickers03 -- which UAE, now that we have 2 or 3 posted ;)

ED -- We've had so many random UAE builds arond over the last year or two, and I never looked at one of them ;) I keep meaning to dive into Amiga and try some of the stuff, but never got around to it (25 years late, I know I know ;) -- but since fir the first few years, most Miggy games were poor ports of ST games, I never saw the point back then. (Actually, this is true; and the ST is ever so slightly faster CPU, so a poor port from ST to Amiga often left the ST version a little better. The Miggy quickly clawed ahead in terms of res and music, and with an expandable arch and better overall machine for gaming, the later years games beat the hell out the poor ST (ignoring things like machine cost, etc.) Still, back in 1987 or so there was some cool RPGs for Miggy that we never had on ST, my friends quickly showed me. Course, Falcon ran much faster on the ST, so I was rubbing their noses in that...)


3D games were the killers of the classic Amigas. They didn't use the graphics chipset enough. (And the OS didn't supply good enough polygon acceleration support using the chipset as it was. Most people banged the hardware directly for maximum performance and there was no texture mapping built into the polygon acceleration.) The AGA chipset was only half-done when it was released! The blitter was still running at 16-bits internally!

It's also a pity that Apple felt the need to switch to the PowerPC. Only now is the NatAmi team coming out with a N68050 softcore to match the old 68060 processors' performance without the need for superscalar architecture and a SuperAGA softcore with a yet-to-be-released texture mapper running on DDR2 memory. The Coldfire chips aren't compatible enough for the old software on either the ST.
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skeezix said:
most poor Miggy games were ports of ST games

Fixed for accuracy.

Better sound, more colours, larger play area, most ST ports were actually improved on the amiga. The mHz thing only applied to few vektor gfx type games and even then the ST missed out on some the better ones anyway. F/A-18 Interceptor for example was amazing but never made it to ST.
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skeezix said:
mvickers03 -- which UAE, now that we have 2 or 3 posted ;)

IIt's the one from the store, UAE4ALL

Thanks for your quick SNES port too, I'm just having a play now :)
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Hey Guys

Trying this tonight. can't get any games to work. I got kickrom in correct place but no games work.

Got the files in appdata/uae/roms where I have files on SD card



The kick.rom must be named "kick.rom" or "kick13.rom" (uppercase is allowed, too).

And it has to be 512KByte in size. There are a lot of 256KByte-versions available - but they don't work with UAE4All.
A little tutorial I knocked up to help those that are stuck. it's not the best but you should atleast be able to get it running using these steps. Feel free to rewrite it if you want because I'm not the best at this sort of stuff.

How to get UAE4ALL working on the Pandora

Download the pnd and place it in the menu folder like below, create them if you don't have them. They need to be on your sd card by the way.


If you've placed it in the menu folder you'll find it in the Emulators section on your task bar. Run it and UAE will start up and say there is no kick.rom so close it. Now place your kick.rom file which is the bios file into the uae4all folder like below-


My kickrom was originally called Kickstart 1.2.rom so I renamed it kick.rom. Now when you start UAE4ALL it'll go into the main program.

So now you're in you'll need to click the left shoulder button which will take you to the games, you need to put your games in a roms folder, you'll need to create it inside the uae4all folder like below-


So assuming you've done everything above you'll be able to scroll down and pick your game using the A button. It'll now take you back to the main menu where you need to scroll down to "Run (start)" and click on it with the A button. Your game will now load. If the game doesn't start and it returns you to the pandora desktop then your kick.rom is not the right one so try some others. I think also if you get a black screen it mioght be you kick.rom. I cannot provide it sorry because it's copyrighted but stick with it coz you'll find the correct one eventually. I should say that the kick.rom should be 512 kb in size. Keep trying different ones until you get the game to actually run.

Assuming your game does start, clicking the start button on the pandora will switch between joystick/mouse. When in game also clicking the right shoulder button will bring up a keyboard, you can navigate through the keys with the dpad and use button A to select the key you require, clicking the right shoulder button will return you to the games.

Oh and when in game to return to uae4all's menu press "Select"
Also if you're in a game and you go back to the main menu to select another game you'll need to click the rest button in the menu after picking the new game or it'll just take you back to the former game. just thought I'd mention that.

If you game has more than one disc when it's asks for the next disc hit the select button, click the Left shoulder button and scroll down to the next disc and press the A button to select it. It'll take you back to the main menu, now scroll down to "RUN (Start)" and hit the A button. It should load the next automatically I think if not click A or change to mouse by clicking the Start button, then click the left shoulder button.

If anyone wants to write a better one please do because there's gonna be a load of people stuck because I was. Hope this helps :)
@puppydee - Brilliant, thanks very much. Now I can tweak my SD Card in advance, accordingly. :) Good work!
A suggestion, perhaps the UAE4ALL launcher should include a script to check if a kickstart rom exists, and if not, offer a file browser to select one and copy it to the right place. Perhaps even check a checksum against known working versions.
The PND system was designed to avoid the necessity of faffing about with putting files in the right places, and little things like this would go a long way to keeping it that way. :)
Aninhumer said:
A suggestion, perhaps the UAE4ALL launcher should include a script to check if a kickstart rom exists, and if not, offer a file browser to select one and copy it to the right place. Perhaps even check a checksum against known working versions.
The PND system was designed to avoid the necessity of faffing about with putting files in the right places, and little things like this would go a long way to keeping it that way. :)

For me the closer to WinUAE`s style of gui the better... A mouse/nub/touch screen interface!

The power and form of the pandora makes it ideal for this... unfortunately this would need a very bored and talented programmer.
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