A Nice Thread All About The Psp

bast525 posted on Dec 8 2004 at 03:54 AM said:
I dont know if anyone answered this question already (the question was on page 3) but the memory cards that the PSP uses are actually general purpose SD MMC Duo cards, you can actually buy them right now at your local electronics store.

I too strongly believe that Homebrews on the PSP is going to be a hard battle and nothing that Sony is just going to 'give' us. I do believe that it's very likely someone will 'crack' it and find a way to run homebrew stuff on it, and yes because the UMD disc is so unique and is not compatible with any hardware out right now... you can't buy any burner to burn them or even a reader to read them... I would expect any cracks will come thru the memory stick.

HOWEVER, PSP does have a USB port, no? There will possibly be some connectivity between the PSP and PC then. Remember this is how they cracked the Dreamcast and started ripping dreamcast games. Of course... it helped that burned DC games could be played from standard CD's.....

I agree with Dave C... I think it's a pretty small chance that we'll have good homebrew stuff on the PSP. Sony is trying pretty hard, maybe not to Nintendo's level... but they are trying to make this thing pretty crack proof.

Once again. Sony gets money of developers. Ps2's Are going dirt cheap. That hardware isnt worth 150$ Dollers, but the fact that the costermer keeps coming back for more is. If they sold systems alone and every one bootlegged the software they WOULD go bankrupt. Thats a fact !
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Linkinparkfov101 posted on Dec 8 2004 at 04:20 AM said:
Once again. Sony gets money of developers. Ps2's Are going dirt cheap. That hardware isnt worth 150$ Dollers, but the fact that the costermer keeps coming back for more is. If they sold systems alone and every one bootlegged the software they WOULD go bankrupt. Thats a fact !

Basicly you are right about that (besides that fact that is isn't really true if the system is at the end of its life span like the PS2 is; right now they probably profit from every sold PS2, because it is old now cheap tech)
BUT you are assuming that just because someone can copy a game means he will not buy any longer original games. More or less the opposite is true... he will still get original games as presents on christmas etc (who gives copies as a present?) and will also buy the games he really wants to have when they come out (because getting a copy will take at least a few days, and you usually want to have a original of the games your really like).
SO basicly you still buy about as many games as you usually would without the possibility to copy (maybe a bit less but those games are basicly games you later regret you bought), but you have a bunch of games in addition to the ones you legally own, which you would have never bought anyways.

In other words, there is almost NO loss from copying games, and so is from copying music btw.

Edit: and copying works as great advertising for both the console itself, and also games (if they are good). So that is propably more than enought to equal the small loss in sales due to copying.
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Julius posted on Dec 8 2004 at 04:39 AM said:
Linkinparkfov101 posted on Dec 8 2004 at 04:20 AM said:
Once again. Sony gets money of developers. Ps2's Are going dirt cheap. That hardware isnt worth 150$ Dollers, but the fact that the costermer keeps coming back for more is. If they sold systems alone and every one bootlegged the software they WOULD go bankrupt. Thats a fact !

Basicly you are right about that (besides that fact that is isn't really true if the system is at the end of its life span like the PS2 is; right now they probably profit from every sold PS2, because it is old now cheap tech)
BUT you are assuming that just because someone can copy a game means he will not buy any longer original games. More or less the opposite is true... he will still get original games as presents on christmas etc (who gives copies as a present?) and will also buy the games he really wants to have when they come out (because getting a copy will take at least a few days, and you usually want to have a original of the games your really like).
SO basicly you still buy about as many games as you usually would without the possibility to copy (maybe a bit less but those games are basicly games you later regret you bought), but you have a bunch of games in addition to the ones you legally own, which you would have never bought anyways.

In other words, there is almost NO loss from copying games, and so is from copying music btw.

Edit: and copying works as great advertising for both the console itself, and also games (if they are good). So that is propably more than enought to equal the small loss in sales due to copying.

No that is wrong. What would you ask for for Christmas if you are a pirate? copies, well no , you would ask for BLANK MEMORY STICKS, lots of em :D
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DaveC posted on Dec 7 2004 at 07:33 PM said:
CABBAGES posted on Dec 7 2004 at 10:57 PM said:
im 100% sure that both ds and psp will have homebrew and emus. If im wrong i will eat a cabbage :unsure: . who wants to bet on it ??? oh and arse is the proper word not ass thats just americans changing our words again like fanny hahaha :lol:  You ever seen the simpsons when marge says somethin about having a sore fanny hahahaha. If your american you wont find it funny tho <_<

100% ? That is pretty confident. But not realistic. I am about 30%. I say no. Why? These simple reasons:

1) Sony wouldn't want to hurt devs by making the system open to anyone that wants to make anything, they want to control the content of software on their system. You know there are alot of developers that will make those compilations such as Midway classics, Intellivision lives, Namco Museum, Atari classics etc. Do you really think Sony wants a bunch of pirates downloading ROMZ from the net for free and playing them and pissing off 3RD party with an unsecure platform? No.

2) The reason Nintendo didn't really go too mental with the GBA is because those flashcards are relatively tough to get (must import, can't get in any local store), and expensive. Same with Xbox Ps2 mod chips, not enough are going to buy these things and start hacking up their hardware. It is such a small niche that it was no big deal. With Sony PSP though, The media (memory stick) is standard and easy to get from any store. If all you need is a blank card and an internet connection to get access to thousands of warez, MILLIONS will be getting emulators and free stuff. Now it is more than a slight annoyance, it is lost revenue, lots of it. Ever heard how much the music industry likes people downloading music MP3Z for free instead of buying it, Hmmmm? I really don't think Sony will make it that easy. I think the only way you MIGHT do it is with a hardware mod like the PS1, PS2, Xbox. Is there any room in that thing to stick a mod chip? Are the solder points exposed to do it? where will you put the daughter board? 100% eh? I wouldn't hold your breath for homebrew.

Stop saying that it won't happen because Sony doesn't want it to happen.
The 133t modding people don't care if Sony wants it or not. Not that I care
as for right now I don't like the PSP or the DS.
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dont forget that homebrew!=warez...
oh and the dreamcast was allready dieing BEFORE it got cracked.

ps: Linkinparkfov101 stinks
Sony, being as anti- pirate ans any company can possibly be will have made som effort to discurage hacking just as they did to the PS2 after the PS was hacked (an depending on where you lived, yes it was generally easy as pie to get your PS chipped, I quick trip to china town with 20 bucks is all I needed) some games were even designed to not work if a chip was sensed.

On the PS2, Hardware would be redsigned every 6 months to keep the PS2 closed to those who weren't supposed to be in it to the point where the last full sized system had a metal case around the board to prevent people from getting at it and soldering in a chip. Sony dosent want anyone screwing with the system that isnt supposed to be there so there wil be some sort of protection, which wil probably take a lot of time to break, possibly tinkering INSIDE the system.

BTW the PSP does have a USB port. it's a small one using the kinda of connector they use on a lot of MP3 players like the Rios (I can use the cable that came with my Rio karma!).

The Memory stick for the PSP is different than the original 2 inch long (6.35cm) stick. The one in the value pack is a 32mb Duo version. it's about half the size and availible anywhere the original memory stick would be (ie. electronics and office supply stores)

Arse is a well known european euphamism (nick name) for Ass, plenty american's know this, the ones that don't a generally a bit ignorant of other cultures.

The DC died because of Poor market planning by sega and because Sony's hype machine caused millions of people to wait for the PS2 which promised not only better looking games but DVD movies. This lead to DVD sales blossoning insanely in japan
The way I look at it is as follows. We have a memory card with a directory called "GAME" which lik-sang says "Is good for members of the homebrew community". That's all that's been said.

Sony themselves have never allowed homebrew development of any kind, and I suspect that they will be selling this handheld at a loss, hoping the game sales will make them money, so they certainly will not want people buying it and using emulators/etc.

So, the only good news is that this is a writable medium, and the device may be hacked in the future to allow some kind of code execution. Don't put your bets on it though.

Even if it does become possible, expect about a year or so before people get to grips with the console and know how to get stuff working/etc. Without documentation of any kind, development can be very tough (I know, my day job is developing code without any documentation - normally lots of research and trial and error)
wow... there is some serious transatlantic bitching happening here.

seriously, and i speak only for myself, I couldn't give a toss about the different usage of the words; fanny or arse. I have absolutely no doubt that some words, in different places around the world, have different meanings... I also have no doubt that out there on the internet there are forums dedicate to discussing exactly this.

before the thread gets closed, I would like to introduce some of you to blue / white bar at the top mid of the screen... it's the once that looks like it might be heading to the thread. In technical forum speak, we like to call it 'The Topic'

Personally, I'm keen to hear more about the PSP and peoples thoughts on it.

(sorry to be so sarcastic)
lizard808uk posted on Dec 8 2004 at 09:54 AM said:
Sony themselves have never allowed homebrew development of any kind

What was Net Yaroze?

And YABasic.

Speaking of Net Yaroze does anyone know where I could get the software for that, because I already have all the hardware and the boot disc, just need the other discs, and manuals if possible.
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Yeah, Sony have actively encouraged homebrew development in the past so you can't accuse them of being a callous business.

I'm sure they won't want emulators on the PSP but I doubt theres much they can do to prevent the homebrew community from cracking whatever copy protection MagicGate offers. And no matter what your opinion on the subject, you must admit that the potential of the PSP hardware for homebrew software is really rather exciting.
For Yaroze software I would try your favourite Bittorent site, or P2P such as Limewire etc..

There will be a homebrew community for PSP and DS - it is inevitable. Even the Gamecube with proprietary disc drive and copy protection galore , things are really ramping up quite quickly with GC Linux, XSnes9x and Genesis emulation.
Sony themselves have never allowed homebrew development of any kind, and I suspect that they will be selling this handheld at a loss, hoping the game sales will make them money, so they certainly will not want people buying it and using emulators/etc

Never allowed homebrew devpt?

They positively encouraged it with Net Yaroze, Ya Basic, and Linux on the PS2...

The official PS mag over here in the UK, gave away "homebrew" games on its cover disk, and had competitions to develop games, one of my favourites was a top down football (or soccer for all you Americans...) game, still my favourite footie game years later (OK, I'm not really a footie game fan, just don't quite "get it", usually)...


ASS = 1. Any of several hoofed mammals of the genus Equus, resembling and closely related to the horses but having a smaller build and longer ears, and including the domesticated donkey.
2. A vain, self-important, silly, or aggressively stupid person.

[Middle English asse, from Old English assa, perhaps of Celtic origin, ultimately from Latin asinus.]

ARSE = The buttocks, or hind part of an animal; the posteriors; the fundament; the bottom.

I always (well maybe not ALWAYS) laugh when I hear Americans (or as Bush would have it aMerkins (a Merkin btw is a pubic wig - oh how we laugh....) say they are off to kick some ASS, and have been on the point of calling the RSPCA (the UK Equivalent of ASPCA) on many an occasion, until my Babelfish cut in...

Oh and Linkin - please learn how to spell... :)

I do believe that there will be Homebrew development for the PSP - which will inevitably lead to emus. On the PS2, you don't HAVE to chip it to play "pirate" games, you can get some "Pre-load" software to get around it, and there is also a way to fool the PS2 into thinking that disks are original - not sure how this works but came across it the other day - it involves putting something in the Disc Tray while loading your Discs - which looks like it will either hide the bit of the disk with the copy protection on it or something else...

Its called a Slide Card (or one variant of it is...)

See here: http://www.modchipstore.com/product_16158_...0_20_Combo.html

Which is a US store....

"ARSE!" - Fast Show :P

I do like the system, seems to be something I'd get, if the prize is about 180E's.

But I'm thinking the games aren't yet that interesting. The first good RPG to hit the stores.. I'm in.

About mod chips and the likes... I got one of those swap-disc things, and couple of pirates... I also have craploads of US_NTSC RPG's which were never officially published in Europe.
linkinparkfov finally banned as I'm tired of his mess.

A thousand curses to all who said linkin park was shit in their posts solely to incite him, you are partly responsible for this bullshit.
dude ninty would never get away with sewing playstation for having a homebrew ninty emu on it.

they may however get away with seuing the developer but sony are hardly gunna be developing the emu.

Thats like saying ninty would sue microsoft for creating an OS which allows developers to program emulators for ninty's consoles