Help : Some Question About Memory Stick On Psp


Active Member
Apr 9, 2003
Hello :)

For some reasons I will get my PSP only when I'll be in holidays, but unfortunatly as I'll be far from home during 1 month I won't be able to get internet to download emu & other homebrew things & stick them on the Memory stick...

So my idea was to buy a Memory Stick Duo & fullfil it with my computer in my home BEFORE leaving for holidays....

but I got some questions about it & I'm asking here for your help to answer me (please forgive me if it's some easy questions) :
- Is it necessary to format the Memory stick using the PSP to be able to use it on the PSP ? I mean, does it have some sort of folder "structure" like the GP32 got with for exemple a GPMM or a MP3 folder which is created by default?
if yes, is there somebody here who can give me the exact list of the folders to make me be able to recreate this by myself on my computer.... (of course if somebody can confirm me that formating the MS under Windows is working fine to use with a PSP)
And also could you explain me what are the purpose of each folder of this structure if it exist ? :)

- btw, where we generaly put homebrew & how it works with firmware 1.5 ?

- Which Memory stick Duo capacity must be choosen considering the price is my first choice factor & that I'll use the PSP for Amiga emulation + PCE CD Rom & surely Neo Geo CD if it's easy (I keep the GP32 with me for all the rest ;p) ?
I'm listening every advices opinion about the Memory stick market :)

Many many thanks :)
You can format the memory stick in a PC and just put the folders in there yourself and it will work fine. I'm at work and dont have my PSP handy so can't name all the folders off to you, but if you look around I'm sure you can find it.

as far as MS size, in my oppinion there is really no option other than a 1gb card. They are relatively cheap now, for around $100. Anything else is gonna be a waste of money as you WILL wish at some point that you bought the 1gb. With NES, SNES, Genesis, PCE and PCE CD and now espeically Neo Geo CD you'll find the MS fills up VERY fast, let alone if you want to put any videos on there or mp3's as well.
bast525 posted on Jul 18 2005 at 08:41 AM said:
You can format the memory stick in a PC and just put the folders in there yourself and it will work fine. I'm at work and dont have my PSP handy so can't name all the folders off to you, but if you look around I'm sure you can find it.

as far as MS size, in my oppinion there is really no option other than a 1gb card. They are relatively cheap now, for around $100. Anything else is gonna be a waste of money as you WILL wish at some point that you bought the 1gb. With NES, SNES, Genesis, PCE and PCE CD and now espeically Neo Geo CD you'll find the MS fills up VERY fast, let alone if you want to put any videos on there or mp3's as well.

Thanks for your answer Bast525 :)
could you please tell me the structure of your MS when you'll be back home?
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In the folders


- 100MNV01

GAME - This is where all your apps, games and loaders go (In their own folders)
PHOTO - In Jpeg format. (Put them in subfolders for albums)
MUSIC - MP3. (Put them in subfolders for album)
SAVEDATA - Game Saves.

100MNV01 - Video files (properly encoded).

You'll ahve two folders for each app in the GAME folder under Firmware 1.5.
Each save game go in their own specific folder.

Go with a 1gb. It's worth it. What Bast says it exactly right.
Many thanks for your help Kop_007 :)
You & Bast have fully answered my question !

yeah I think I'll save abit more money & go for a 1 Gb :P

& thus, for exemple, where do you put the Amiga emulator & where do you put Sensible World of Soccer ??? (can't wait to play Swos on a handled :D )
thanks again!
It's all in the Amiga Emu readme:

1/ Installation

If you have a 1.0 firmware, install EBOOT.PBP to /PSP/GAME/PSPUAE

If you have a 1.50 firmware, copy the PSPUAE and PSPUAE% folders to /PSP/GAME

Then, you need to put the Amiga Kickstart 1.3 KICK.ROM file into /PSP/GAME/PSPUAE
(Make sure the filename is KICK.ROM)

Put your amiga ADF disk files in /PSP/GAME/PSPUAE/DISKS/

For other emulators, you can mostly put your roms anywhere (for example, I have a folder in my main PSP folder called 'ROMS' with subfolders of the different systems).

However, always important to read the readme as it can require a specific place - such as the NeoGeo CD emu.

EDIT: Which reminds me, I really need to get SWOS on the go. I've just been busy with ISS on the SNES, WTS on the erm...PSP and desperately wanting Super Sidekicks to be working on the NeoGeo CD (I've only played it a little but it seems excellent).
Thanks alot for your answer again ^^

and sorry, it's true that I haven't read the 'readme' :rolleyes:

it surprise me abit to know that a big big big fan of SWOS like you haven't try it yet ;p it'll be for sure the first thing to do on PSP for me :P

but I understand if you're trying to make Super Sidekicks working ;p one of the best soccer game (in arcade type) imo!