New Psp Fimeware Update


Istanbul Red
Apr 11, 2003

You can download via the online updater directly on your PSP or you can download via your PC and manually put the file on your memory stick.

The update offers nothing major, but is good news for those non English (or Japanese) speaking amongst us.

I haven't had chance to update yet but will do it as soon as possible.

The update adds the following major features:

• Support for German, Spanish, French, Italian, Dutch, Portuguese and Russian languages
• Support to retain screen mode settings (For video stored on Memory Stick)
• Support to allow resume play after recovery from sleep mode (For video stored on Memory Stick)
• Support to allow resume play of audio tracks after recovery from sleep mode.
Sweet about the resume that was one of my peevs... apparently the US ones already have this firmware update or at least part of it as the US one I got has all those additional languages the Japanese one did not have.
some people were speculating that the older firmware had possibilites for security exploits that this new update may have it may not be all that great to update the firmware, but who knows :P
time will tell
well apparently the US ones DO come with the new 1.5 firmware already though I tested it and my new US PSP does NOT auto resume video after coming out of sleep mode, but DOES have all the extra languages, so I'm confused.

the thought did occur to me about exactly what Junker mentioned when I was gonna upgrade my Jap PSP, so decided against it. I want to though because I"m hoping that one thing the new firmware adresses that is not mentioned are all the random lockups that I get with my Japanese one.... so far I haven't had any real problems like that with the US one. Kind of a tough decision but I'm gonna hold out until someone confirms the older firmware is better or not.
Well when/if the PSP gets hacked I'm sure someone will rip the old firmware and allow that for download.
bast525 posted on Mar 27 2005 at 05:30 AM said:
well apparently the US ones DO come with the new 1.5 firmware already though I tested it and my new US PSP does NOT auto resume video after coming out of sleep mode, but DOES have all the extra languages, so I'm confused.

the thought did occur to me about exactly what Junker mentioned when I was gonna upgrade my Jap PSP, so decided against it. I want to though because I"m hoping that one thing the new firmware adresses that is not mentioned are all the random lockups that I get with my Japanese one.... so far I haven't had any real problems like that with the US one. Kind of a tough decision but I'm gonna hold out until someone confirms the older firmware is better or not.
The Japenese and US firmware are different...
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The firmware update is suppose to put both regions on the same version number (US is supposed to be 1.5 already, but there might be a couple of minor functions missing which require the US systems to update other wise there's no reason for you to bother if you have a US PSP).