A Nice Thread All About The Psp

I really dont know why anyone would buy music or film on UMD when playback of both music and film from the memory stick is so damn good.

I dont have any dead pixels on my PSP. The only thing that was ever wrong with it was a squeaky right D-pad, but now it is completely squeakless.
not yet, it will be part of a larger scheme i have brewing that involves postal dvd rental services, multitudes of free trials, 200 blank dvd+r

i've been messing around with video stuff for ages (until the MPAA started threatening me) can't imagine the stuff that engadget says to use can be too hard to get to grips with.
Okay, first off even when they come to the US, I would count on dead pixels. As has been said before, even on high priced laptops and even televisions, dead pixels are just a fact of life... Personally, I dont' think I've ever seen a laptop that DIDN'T have one (at least)...


And no, EVERYTHING will NOT be region free. Sony reps have stated very, VERY clearly, that games WILL be region free, but any other kind of media that may release on UMD's (movies, music) will NOT be. This is straight from Sony. Their reasoning on not region locking games is that, they understand the PSP is the kind of upscale gadget that businessmen and the like will want and buy... people who may travel a lot, and that when these people may be visiting other regions, Sony wants them to be able to buy games from whereever they are and have them work on their PSP's.

I have seen many devices including laptops that had *no* dead pixels, and on a laptop with 1024 x 768 or more there are ALOT more pixels than on the PSP. I will wait until they are out here so I can go to a store and look at them before I take it home. If I see dead pixel(s) I will take a different unit. Those screens are dodgy if so many have dead pixels, especially more than one.

Also that bit that games would be region free but not movies or music seems kind of fishy. What? businessmen will only want to play games and not listen to music or watch movies? doesn't make sense. I will just wait, I don't want to deal with that .
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the deal is:

movies will be region encoded in a very similar way to DVDs, its inline with legislation and, i've read, part of a vague plan that sony has for UMD to become a new DVD standard.

games will not be owing to the long time custom that ninty has had for handhelds not being subjected to region rules because of the somewhat weird idea that travelling people want to be able to buy and play games wherever they are?!? :blink:
of two DS's I bought, one had two dead pixels, one had one, so three total. And just to make sure we're all on the same page, none of these are even dead pixels, per se (including on the PSP), rather, they are LIT pixels. Furthermore, on my DS that had two of them, one of them did fix itself (I've heard this happens maybe 10-20% of the time.

Anyways, I'd like to know what store you guys go to that are so nice that will let you sit there and try out systems until you find one in perfect condition. Additionally, you guys must be planning on getting your PSP's waaaaaaaaay later then when they initially release here, because, as happened when I did buy my DS and it had dead pixels, I couldn't exchange it even right that second, as they didn't have any more systems available to exchange for. And remember, PSP's are supposed to be even more limited supply than the DS's... even if you open your PSP right there and find that it's in all kinds of bad shape, I doubt most retailers would be willing or able to help you.

As a matter of fact, in my case, even if they HAD had another DS that they could have exchanged for mine, they wouldn't have. Seems retailers were under strict order from Nintendo NOT to exchange for any defective units, but rather, to have the customers deal directly with Nintendo, letting them repair or replace the unit themselves.

As I understand it, this is also happening in Japan right now with the PSP. A lot of people with some of the more serious problems did try to get their systems exchanged through the retailer, but there were either none available, or, the retailers refused and told the customers to handle the warranty thru Sony. And again, many people have stated that Sony won't cover dead/lit pixels unless they are in excess (of course, for most of us, one is already excessive)... something like at least 3-4 pixels.

Now... of course I am of the oppinion that most of these problems should be ironed out by the time they release worldwide, so this is probably a moot issue. And even if worse comes to worse, at least you will be covered by SOME kind of warranty, even if it means you having to send your new system in for repairs the moment it comes out of the box. In that case, you guys are right to just want to wait it out, as I didn't, and I did get screwed, and mine has much worse than dead pixels, and I'm pretty much assed out.

I will say this... I've been watching the whole situation like a hawk, and it seems that, subsequent shipments of PSP's in Japan have been deemed pretty much problem free, or at least, a much lower percentage of units with problems.
of two DS's I bought, one had two dead pixels, one had one, so three total. And just to make sure we're all on the same page, none of these are even dead pixels, per se (including on the PSP), rather, they are LIT pixels. Furthermore, on my DS that had two of them, one of them did fix itself (I've heard this happens maybe 10-20% of the time.

Anyways, I'd like to know what store you guys go to that are so nice that will let you sit there and try out systems until you find one in perfect condition. Additionally, you guys must be planning on getting your PSP's waaaaaaaaay later then when they initially release here, because, as happened when I did buy my DS and it had dead pixels, I couldn't exchange it even right that second, as they didn't have any more systems available to exchange for. And remember, PSP's are supposed to be even more limited supply than the DS's... even if you open your PSP right there and find that it's in all kinds of bad shape, I doubt most retailers would be willing or able to help you.

As a matter of fact, in my case, even if they HAD had another DS that they could have exchanged for mine, they wouldn't have. Seems retailers were under strict order from Nintendo NOT to exchange for any defective units, but rather, to have the customers deal directly with Nintendo, letting them repair or replace the unit themselves.

As I understand it, this is also happening in Japan right now with the PSP. A lot of people with some of the more serious problems did try to get their systems exchanged through the retailer, but there were either none available, or, the retailers refused and told the customers to handle the warranty thru Sony. And again, many people have stated that Sony won't cover dead/lit pixels unless they are in excess (of course, for most of us, one is already excessive)... something like at least 3-4 pixels.

Now... of course I am of the oppinion that most of these problems should be ironed out by the time they release worldwide, so this is probably a moot issue. And even if worse comes to worse, at least you will be covered by SOME kind of warranty, even if it means you having to send your new system in for repairs the moment it comes out of the box. In that case, you guys are right to just want to wait it out, as I didn't, and I did get screwed, and mine has much worse than dead pixels, and I'm pretty much assed out.

I will say this... I've been watching the whole situation like a hawk, and it seems that, subsequent shipments of PSP's in Japan have been deemed pretty much problem free, or at least, a much lower percentage of units with problems.

When I got my DS I got it from Target. I told the guy there that I will buy it first but if there are dead pixels I want to exchange it. So I paid for it, opened it on the counter and checked it, there were no dead pixels so I got lucky and just repacked it and left with it. I will do the same with the PSP.

BTW any pixel whether stuck on or stuck off are considered "dead"
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well like I said... it must be some really nice people working at the Target you go to then, if they would have let you exchange it right then and there even if the supply was seriously short. Or more likely they just don't care :P . I literally bought the last DS the store had so I was assed out no matter what. Nintendo's return policy with the thing is so great, anyways, that it didn't matter, and it was just about as easy to just get the exchange thru them. Somehow I doubt Sony's policy will be as good.

Well, for all our sakes, I do hope the US ones just come problem free to begin with and none of us have to worry about this kinda crap.

Oh and by the way, I wasn't the one who came up with the seperate terms 'lit' and 'dead' for the pixels. But I've seen several people refer to them this way, with a dead pixel being just blacked out, and a lit pixel being lit bright white. One thing about lit pixels, is they do seem, at least in one ones I've had with the DS'es and PSP, to be able to change colors to some degree, they aren't just stock on full bright white all the time. At any rate, on the PSP the one lit pixel I have is hardly even noticeable, really... the pixels are just sooooooo tiny.
less than 2 months now
say it like it's nothing and it will be ;)
Hmm, thought I posted something to this thread yesterday... Anyway...

Went into Town yesterday, and noticed that GameStation were advertising DS and PSP as coming out in March (actually PSP said "released March 05", DS said "Due March 05")... Asked the questions we all want to know - Date of Release and Price...

Was told that release date MAY be brought forward for BOTH machines, and they will be released on same day - possibly sometime in February!!!!

Costs: 150 Quid for PSP, 130 Quid for DS...

Showed me a DS (obviously a Ninty Fanboy) and he was wowed by the graphics on Mario.. But they don't do anything for me, should have had by Gp32 with me and shown him DOOM!!! The screens look really small too - barelyt the size of GP32s if you put them together!!!

Did you just decided to spout shit there or do you do it all the time?

Doom graphics are nothing compared to SM64, and the DS's screens are 3 inch each, the GP32's is 3.5 inch.

Seriously, sort it out.
Ok finty, I wasn't impressed with SM (admittedly only saw it for a few minutes)- never have been, never will be, if that's the best a new console can do... 2nd screen did nothing for me, at all, I'd rather a kb in its place, and one bigger screen (ok 2nd screen CAN BE a kb, I know). Maybe I should have said Quake not Doom? Oh, and I'm not saying the DS graphics aren't better than GP32 - just that I'm not impressed by them.

As for size, I only said looked like, I didn't have a) a tape measure, or B) my gp32 to compare against. It may be the expanse of space around them that made me think that they were smaller than they were, but, imho, they looked a bit lost...

Again, imho, what ninty should have done, if they really felt the need for two screens, Is done away with speakers, and had the main screen stretch the width of the top panel.

My only concern about the psp is that there is no "flap" to protect the screen. I've had a couple of iPaqs and the screens on them get scratched really easily. More recently I've seen them with flip open covers, which would suit the psp down to the ground.

One little extra snippet from the gamestation guy - he claimed that the psp would only run for 1.5 to 2 hours, compared to (I think he said) 10 for ds, now I'm pretty sure that's a lie, as Bast would have mentioned it by now if that were the case...
As I understand it, this is also happening in Japan right now with the PSP. A lot of people with some of the more serious problems did try to get their systems exchanged through the retailer, but there were either none available, or, the retailers refused and told the customers to handle the warranty thru Sony.

Dunno if this is of any interest but that'd wouldn't be allowed in the UK - your statutory rights are a great thing if you know 'em well enough to quote at arsey shop owners.

On the point of try before you buy... When I bought my Lynx (many moons ago) I got it from a cool little shop where you could not only try out a system before buying it but he also let you try out games before buying too. Unfortunately, the shop was just out of the town centre and when GAME opened slap-bang in the middle of town they quickly put the independent guy out of business. Bastards.

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The PSP battery and DS battery times most people are throwing about are complete BS.

I bought two DS's, one for me and one for my wife. We have both 'experimented' and timed battery life. Playing strictly DS games, with the backlights on and using the built in speakers at full blast, mostly playing Mario, we were averaging 5-6 hours per charge. My good friend bought a DS the same day as us, and he is also getting about that same battery life.

My PSP has been getting on average around 4-5 hours per charge, I've been playing the crap out of it at work every night. This is playing from among 7 different games, some of which are 3d like Ridge Racers (supposed to drain the battery much faster) and some 2d like Lumines. Using the built in speakers usually at full volume, and usually at the lowest or medium of the three screen brightness settings (really all you need unless you're outdoors on a sunny day). Several people have posted on the net where they've done the most intense test possible, running the PSP at full brightness exclusively on Ridge Racers (playing a race replay in infinite loop) and gotten around 3-3.5 hours. So that should be about as bad as it will get. Anyone quoting 1.5 hours is a jackass and doesn't know what the f**k they are talking about.

So they are much closer than most people (ninty fanboys) would lead you to believe. Remember, Sony are already working on getting better batteries for the thign as well. The president of Sony was quoted as saying that eventually, they'd like to have a battery for the thing that could last the full time of a flight from Tokyo to Los Angeles, about 14 hours. Nintendo, being stout that their battery is good for 10 hours, have made no such announcement :P
I work graveyard shift, dispatching tow trucks for AAA. My wife works as security at a Federal building, IRS office. She also works graveyard and plays Mario mini games all night long.
A little news update from the 'net:

"SCEI launched the PSP in Japan on Dec. 12 to long queues and strong demand. The company sold around 200,000 units -- the entire amount initially sent to shops -- on its first day on sale and demand has remained strong. As of Jan. 9, sales of the PSP in Japan totaled 544,304 units, according to Media Create Co. Ltd., which gathers sales data from retailers. Shortages have eased since launch and on Sunday a unit could be purchased with no problems at both of two retailers visited in Tokyo."

Prices on Ebay and at importers haven't come down any more, recently, to reflect this news, but it seems to me to bode well, at least, for launches in the US and UK. In that, the shortages maybe won't last very long like they did with the PS2 (which I personally was not able to get until about 6 months after the US launch).