A Nice Thread All About The Psp

Memnoch posted on Dec 30 2004 at 04:37 PM said:
argon0 posted on Dec 30 2004 at 03:26 PM said:
Just noticed that Amazon.co.uk are taking pre-orders for PSP at £179.99... See http://www.amazon.co.uk/exec/obidos/ASIN/B...9686305-5378254

Saying release date will be March 18.... Hmmm.. :D

Ouch. Isn't the DS going to be about half that? Not that I'd buy either at the moment as none of the launch games appeal (I have Mario 64 and I think Ridge Racer games are shite).

i'm willing to bet my first child (jokes on you, i have no kids) the european prices for the ds and psp will be pretty much a straight translation from the dollar, dollar to pound.

gameplay is saying 180, this seems to be about right.
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damn, it seems you brits pay too much for games. it may even be cheaper to import from the states when it releases here. shipping would only be like $20
Speculation here (from my friends at gamestop) is $165-175 for PSP here in US.

This is based on the trend that most systems, when they debut in japan and you convert the yen to dollar, and then when they come to the US, the US price will be a bit less then the price when the japanese one debuted.

Average is around $5-25 less when the US one comes.
Hmm, considering I want to buy an SLR Digital Camera (canon EOS 300D probly) & a PSP, at that sort of price saving (80-90 quid on PSP, and 200-300 quid for the camera) it might actually be worth a quick, cheap trip across the pond to New York, to pick them both up....... <yikes>
Hmm, considering I want to buy an SLR Digital Camera (canon EOS 300D probly) & a PSP, at that sort of price saving (80-90 quid on PSP, and 200-300 quid for the camera) it might actually be worth a quick, cheap trip across the pond to New York, to pick them both up....... <yikes>

You'll need to get a step-down transformer & plug adapter to use the D-SLR's battery charger, so factor that in. btw, the EOS300D is EXCELLENT. My wife loves hers.
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Thanks for the feedback about the 300d - wasn't aware of the need for step down... But I guess it makes sense.... I guess I could just buy one at the Airport if I did fly over to get one...

EDIT - When did I become Gp32 HardCore????
I've had my PSP for just under a week now, after paying an amazingly high price for it (about $500 USD) from a supplier in Hong Kong. Am I dissapointed? Hell no.

I was lucky enough to get a hold of one of the value packs that comes with a 32Mb memory stick, the soft case, remote control headphones, a gay little wrist strap and Ridge Racers.

I've had just under five hours of constant play from my PSP, and it's been amazingly easy to hook up to my laptop to copy over mp3's.

Onto the homebrew stuff....the best way to ensure that people can't produce homebrew apps, is to not provide any sort of access to the consoles file system. But giving access to the PSP's file is exactly what Sony have done. As for encrypting/signing of executables....I don't know about that. But I know people on the DS scene are currently working thier way around the DS encryption and actually getting somewhere with it so why not the PSP too (if they are encrypted/signed)?

They probably don't care if people develop homebrew apps for the PSP. If anything, Sony have always been pretty encouraging when it comes to "bedroom coders".

If Sony really didn't want people putting homebrew apps on PSP's, then they would have only given access to the PSP via some sort of windows app (like OpenMG and Minidisk), instead of making Windows treat it as a "mass storage device".
I'm dissapointed if only because I'm one of the unlucky ones that got a unit that seems to be plagued with problems. Also a shortage of good games to play so far though I know that wont last. I had kinda forgotten the downfalls of buying a system that is import-only and being stuck with japanese games.

I'm so starved for something to dig into that I will probably end up buying metal gear even though I've been told by several peeps that it's hard and almost pointless to play if you don't know japanese. Though there are other interesting looking games coming soon, the language barrier has me wondering which I should bother with.

Gran Turismo 4 Mobile due out within the month, supposedly... that would definately make me much happier with the fortune I spent on the thing...

I guess I feel kinda stupid for paying a huge amount of money for the thing so early... now I spend more time playing my GP32 as I've already worn out the four games I got with the PSP... so now it just sits.

I already put a deposit for preorder of another PSP with Gamestop, so will get that when they come to the US and give my wife my current one... hopefully the US ones are a bit higher in quality, and hopefully it will launch with a few more good games to choose from.
Wow... that's the first mention of an actual release date I've seen on the system outside of Japan so far. And they're listing GT 4 Mobile as a launch game... I'll believe that when I see it :) no date on the japanese one even as far as I know... let alone a damn screenshot of the game!

That's good news I guess the rumors of a possible delay until September were wrong after all. Game stores in the US are taking preorders now but no one has any mention of a possible date.

Well I picked up Metal Gear Acid today... I gotta say I'm pleasantly surprised... of course the story is a loss as I understand zero japanese (though watching the cutscenes it's not too hard to take a guess), the gameplay is pretty self explanatory and easy to figure out, and so far I've only found a couple of cards that I couldn't guess what they were and had to use them to see what they did. A great game though I'm glad I decided to buy it instead of being put off by the japanese. It blows Dynasty Warriors out of the water that's for sure!

I have to mention one other thing that I am kind of dissapointed about with the PSP, and a couple of my friends noticed this right away when they checked it out... the response time of the LCD seems pretty slow, compared with my DS, GBA SP, or GP32. There's a lot of that 'bluring' effect that was very common on older handhelds like the Sega GameGear or Nomad(remember trying to play Sonic on either of those??? the LCD just couldn't keep up and the backgrounds became a blurry mess when running full speed), whenever the scene shifts at even a moderate pace. At first I thought this was just for effect whenI noticed it in Ridge Racer, but now with 5 games I see it on every one of them.
bast525 have you got your psp workin online yet ? everyone else online are japanese so it makes it hard tryin to play anyone. oh and you really think mg acid is worth it ? i might get it and maybe ape escape but im not too sure :huh:
I'm loving Acid so far. It's the first game that got me to run my batteries completely down (about 4 hours from full charge, partially because the game is DARK and you have to play with full brightness, and partially because I haven't been able to put it down).

Considering how few games there are out right now, that are really playable if you don't speak Japanese (like 6? 8?) I say it's worth it if you're looking to get another game. The gameplay is REALLY easy to pick up, the only difficulties are a) obviously the story is pretty much a loss, and B) it's not apparent what some cards do, so you'll have to test some out to see what they do, and even then, a couple of the cards I've tested I couldn't figure out what effect they had.

Otherwise, the game LOOKS great, great showoff game for sure, is easy to play, can be saved at almost any point so no worries if you have to put the system down, and is generally a lot of fun, very faithful to the PS Metal Gears... but with cards :D If you get it read the Gamespot.com preview, it will give you a good idea of the story and also some great gameplay tips... there isnt' a faq up yet anywhere that I could find... however I bet it's not very long before we at least see a translation list for all the cards...
Hmmm but if it's anything like some other consoles have been, there's a possibility internet functions wont work for people who own the Jap PSP outside of Japan.
Hmmm but if it's anything like some other consoles have been, there's a possibility internet functions wont work for people who own the Jap PSP outside of Japan.

With it being a handheld I dont see why they would do this - they have already stated the benefits and their knowledge of knowing that people want to use their PSP worldwide.

I reckon it's highly unlikey that, say, the browser wouldnt work in the UK on a jap PSP model - image the outrage for a Jap player getting off the plane to find his PSP doesnt work properly.

After all, we can all connect to Sony's servers now and check for updates on our PSP.

In other News:

GTA has been announced.
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