A fresh new start, Part 1 (2011-07-12)

Don't worry - to my knowledge, this only affects the Pandora. :) I gather that the stuff that goes into the iControlPad is made elsewhere.
I'm confused. Sorry I'm a newbie, and I'm sorry if this I'd a dumb question, but does that mean my iControlPad will be delayed? I ordered mine on Saturday and I got a paypal confirmation that the shipping was posted. This is my first item ever that I've ordered over seas and I'm in the US. I'm really looking forward to getting this controller foot my HTC Incredible and mt iPod lol.

Lol sorry about the spelling. I was typing from my phone
Yes, the iControlPad is already being produced in Germany, there are no delays here :)
Oh ok thanks for the info ^_^ it still has to go through customs, though right? And that usually takes about a month from what I've heard from other people