GP32 Gp32 Touch Screen

Indeed...but what are the estimated costs? I'm not about to send them my personal info, just to find out ;)
No offence, but touchscreens suck. They have no feel whatsoever and are normall very bad functional wise....

Old skool games deserve old skool buttons, Mashing A actualy feels like firing rainbows you know :o) lol

Lets just hope the PSP isnt touch screen as early concept pics have shown

Touch screens are handy for yer old RTS and adventure games though. And i'd love to use neopaint on the ST to scribble on the train :) Actually touch screen are pretty good for mouse emulation, so any mouse based computer emu's that come out could use it. Not that i'd ever by one for the GP, to much of a pain in the arse to install, but Ido hope PSP/GP64 has one (and then give me an Amiga emu and I would be happy)