3DS Region lock - What should happen?


Hardcore Member
Jan 15, 2004
The Netherlands
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Hi all,

I recently got a US cartridge for a European New-3DS.
The 3DS is region locked, but what should happen if you insert the game? Nothing or you get an error?
Trying to assess if the cartridge is broken or this is normal behavior for a non-supported-region cartridge.

Try Luma
Looks like inserting the cartridge indeed doesn't do anything if the game is outside of your 3DS region.
While inserting a New 3DS game into an original 3DS does show an error message that the cartridge isn't supported.

Like FBnil suggested, apparently there is no easy way to check if an out-of-your-region game cartridge is broken without using a hack that allows you to play them.
A region-lock error message would have helped; Nintendo ;)

(Look at that small blue patch, that quantifies how impactful a Japan region lock is to all other gamers. Also I didn't know Africa/Australia/India had EU games)
The reason I asked was because I find it strange you have an official game (endorsed by Nintendo) that on inserting into your 3DS doesn't do anything at all, just because it's not from your region.

In general how did Nintendo think a lay-person would know this? By reading the region in the product name on the cartridge and relating this to a possible region lock?

I also found a reference that somebody with a USA model tried a EUR game, he gets an actual (cryptic) error message:
I only have a European 3DS and New 3DS, both didn't show any message.

If a hack makes a game work it's obvious Nintendo could at least have implemented some better solution to indicate the game isn't allowed to be played in your region :p
In general how did Nintendo think a lay-person would know this? By reading the region in the product name on the cartridge and relating this to a possible region lock?
I think they're wondering how you got hold of such a game from so far away, and have been ignoring the fact anyone will send you anything if you pay them enough on ebay, plus Europeans have been known to go on holiday the other side of the pond, at least before the economy farted its last.
Region locks should be temporary like sim-locks, so you can unlock your device after a while (at least at the end of the device its lifetime).
So you can at least play those Japanese games they refuse to release outside of Japan even though it has an English language option.