The Official Stereoscopic Photography and Artwork Thread


Well-Known Member
Mar 8, 2008
I've been wanting to post this one for a while, but until iprice recently pointed me in the direction of a suitable image-hosting service, it wasn't really possible without a great deal of fuss...

This is the official Pandora forums stereoscopic photography and artwork thread, intended for showcasing three-dimensional photos and images created using devices such as the Nintendo 3DS handheld console, the FujiFilm Real 3D line of cameras, the HTC Evo 3D mobile telephone, the Fujitsu F-09C mobile telephone, and the LG Optimus 3D line of mobile telephones. All of these can take 3D photographs, and some of them (such as the Nintendo 3DS) also allow you to create stereoscopic drawings and paintings if you have particular software installed (in the case of the 3DS, this would be Colors! 3D; I don't know what options, if any, are available for the other autostereoscopic devices that are currently on the market).

To host stereoscopic images, and to also provide various means of viewing them in 3D even to those without devices designed for viewing them, you'll need to sign up for a free account with 3D Porch (credit to iprice for finding this :) ). Uploading 3D images here will allow for the MPO files (an open 3D photography format that contains left-eye and right-eye JPEG images and alignment data) to be viewed on the relevant devices. It will also create a red/cyan image for viewing with anaglyphic glasses, an animated GIF image in the "wiggle" style (where the image is aligned and then quickly moved from one eye's image to the other in order to create an impression of depth on a flat display), and side-by-side images intended for "cross-eyed" viewing.

I'll post a few of my 3DS Augmented Reality shots to kick this off. Click the 2D photos in order to view the various 3D versions.

Firstly, we have a pair of siblings who should be familiar to any Mega Man fan - it's Rock and Roll (in Mii form, at least), dropping in for a visit. :P

The Warner Brothers (and the Warner Sister!) showed up, too.

Even Calvin and Hobbes are getting in on the act!

Kirby even drew some (real!) pictures, to commemorate the occasion. :P

Giant-sized Augmented Reality Cards seem to cause an awful lot of celebrities to pop up in your house - such as Jayne Cobb from Firefly (or, as he's better known, Adam Baldwin), here...

... Or Sonny, the robot from the Will Smith movie, "I, Robot". I quite like how the software adjusts the lighting on the AR items in order to suit the lighting of the actual photograph, and this image showcases that nicely.

Wait a second, does that mean that Gruso visited my living room...? :lol:

That may, in fact, be why Trevor McDonald (for non-Brits: An iconic newsreader) turned up. An antipodean magically transporting to another country and then disappearing again in the blink of an eye is quite a story, after all! (Be warned: The "wiggle" aniGIF for this one is badly broken.)

This is also the only method I know of for getting a real, live snapshot of The Flying Spaghetti Monster.

May all of your 3D photography and artwork endeavours be touched by his noodly appendage. RAmen.
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They're pretty cool (especially Trevor McDonut).

Did you print out those huge "AR cards" or do you just have a very little sofa? :P
I got them printed at FilePrint, using large JPEGs made from the PDF that Nintendo provided of the cards. :D

Do you two have any 3D photos or art to share, by the by?
I've got a couple of pics, but rarely use my 3DS for its camera. I'll have a look later - I know I've got a couple of toon Link using a bomb on one of my dogs...
Haha, awesome. :D

I've been really getting into the 3D photography of late, even more so now that they're running that 3D photography competition. The bad weather's making it difficult to get the shots I want, though. :P
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