32X Progress

The next release will be both GP2X and Wiz compatible (just like the last one), but it won't be fast enough to run any games at playable speed on GP2X unless you underclock the SH2s and/or disable PWM sound.
How fast will Virtua Racing Deluxe run on a Wiz in this next version? Also, when can we expect it?
Blue Protoman said:
How fast will Virtua Racing Deluxe run on a Wiz in this next version? Also, when can we expect it?
It works but it's very slow, it's overwriting code in memory every couple of frames causing frequent recompiles, and is also dividing a lot (slow on ARM). It can be improved but it'll probably be something only for pandora to handle.
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notaz said:
The next release will be both GP2X and Wiz compatible (just like the last one), but it won't be fast enough to run any games at playable speed on GP2X unless you underclock the SH2s and/or disable PWM sound.

Is this including the 8bit emulation?
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notaz said:
The next release will be both GP2X and Wiz compatible (just like the last one), but it won't be fast enough to run any games at playable speed on GP2X unless you underclock the SH2s and/or disable PWM sound.

If only sound test on Chaotix works fine on GP2X, i will the happiest man on Earth, Notaz :)
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hey notaz i have a graet idea for you. Could you add a "custom frame limit" option that work independently from the region code? The idea is to be able to play let's say Sonic at 120FPS also some PAL games work like in slow-motion at 50, even the music sounds SSSSSSLLLLLLLLOOOOOOWWWWWW, so being able to set them to 60 fps is a lot more confortable than having to switch in-game to ntsc. Which doesn't work for some games.
Maybe reemplace the "Disable Frame Limit" option for "Frame Limiter Mode" with <"Disabled". "Auto", 1,2,3,#inf>so you save one space in the menu
Keep up the great work Notaz on your Picodrive, gpfce and other emus :) .. YES to GP2X and F-300!!.. Please No Pandora, Pandora sux in my personal opinion.. :gp2x

With your excellent emus on a GP2X who really needs a crappy GENMobile, RetroGEN or other PocketMD clones anyway? :lol:
sorry to disapoint you but notaz is working on the pandora kernel and you know what? too late, he already finished the pandora port of picoDrive. And no, i don't think he won't support the pandora's users just because you don't like it.
what? that sux dam* craigix for affecting notaz's decision...craig such a traitor :(

don't forget the F-300!!
but Picodrive update for the GP2X will be updated right?

sorry, but I don't think I will recognize Pandora or PSP. as they will not be encouraging news for GPH.

well unless GENmobile or RetroGEN 2nd batch is released and has better compatibility this may change :P
laharl said:
sorry to disapoint you but notaz is working on the pandora kernel and you know what? too late, he already finished the pandora port of picoDrive. And no, i don't think he won't support the pandora's users just because you don't like it.

whats so good about pandora? What a pandora box..
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Exophase said:
Are you from gp32spain?

I don't really get this brand loyalty to GPH..

well nope.. i really need to find someone to help me to run Wiz software on my F-300 (January 2009 v1.0 version)..do I need to patch them? if so, how?
Thanks for any help and info..
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Coolbros2X said:
well nope.. i really need to find someone to help me to run Wiz software on my F-300 (January 2009 v1.0 version)..do I need to patch them? if so, how?
Thanks for any help and info..

Since the displays are a different orientation it may not be so simple, especially for software using the "tear fix." If it doesn't work upfront then I doubt there's a simple fix you can apply to make things work.
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Thanks for the reply. Hmm... I heard Korean rumors that the later F-300 Vocamaster batches such as April 2009 v2.x version fixes this. I don't know if its true or not
I will experiment some *.gpe games and apps on it,(from the Launcher option; maybe Propis would work) and will let you know of the results.
I tested a few games on my F-300 with v1.1 FW :

Colourd - doesn't work
Picodrive 1.56 doesn't work properly (there is LCD screen tear issue?)
OpenJazzWiz works (Important Use only Wiz version other it won't work) To start the game Press Upper Right Button to play the game Yay!! :)

Note: the Wiz version the blast sprite disappears
notaz said:
Coolbros2X said:
Picodrive 1.56 doesn't work properly (there is LCD screen tear issue?)
Try turning off "Tearing Fix" in "Display options".

Thanks, tried that but it doesn't work on the F-300.. I think I will try again (the April version of F-300)
so, any fixes? Please please fix this issue.
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