2Nd Review Case Should Arrive Soon.

Jaguar said:
you birds are funny, but sad, if you yall really cared I cna tell you what section of a hospital to go to, and they will tell you why soemone like me has trouble typingand such. but it wouldnt do any good, as you few that make fun of people really dont need to go learn about certain aspects of life. that is your prividlege to come on here and make fun of people, not knowing anyhting about another person. thnakfully there are only a few of you, that do this,. you dont contribute nothign to the community, exceept wanting to be heard, . offering no insight or anyhting to what is goign on here. a perfect example, is the bird that asks about using a quote by weston as a signature. you dont get the point at all, weston didnt get personally , when he said Im enjoying the show, he jsut said what was on his mind. but someof you take it and tiwst it around to suit your needs. regardless of what I have said, or m weston or craig said today, none of it was personal. but the other ones who live here because this is there real life, like to take shots at people. the old saying still rings true, dont judge soemone, till you have walked in their shoes.

Wow Google Translator has really gone down hill recently. Usually I can at least make out what the original article was generally about...
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Jaguar, stop it for heavens sake!
What is this calling people birds?!
You are trolling right now, so either stop it or be prepared to get some serious kicks in the butt, pal :angry:
mali said:
Jaguar, stop it for heavens sake!
What is this calling people birds?!
You are trolling right now, so either stop it or be prepared to get some serious kicks in the butt, pal :angry:


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dont know what a troll is, is that something like the thing that mike myers did the voice for in shrek,lol/ if i made the money he did for supplying the voice, yall would have repect for trolls then. as long as they keep it up, I will be right there with em.Darn I got it, a name for the certain few here, alvin and the chipmunks.is that better now than bird. lol
Jaguar said:
lmao. look at all the people contributing to the communtiy, wow. now if you can tear yourselevs away from the mirrors admiring yourselves , you might be able to give something back to the community. and thats for you slow pokes who cant spell, c o m m u n i t y .does the word online manual mean anything, the app store, or software. you birds better look out, or I will have to bring out jethro bodine, here to the forums. he is the one wwith the 6th grade education, some of you could learn from him.

Does this guy deserve a Pandora?
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I vote for the banhammer. The community did everything right this time. Gerald wants it, so he shall have it.
Cheers Craig and Mike!!!

Trolls are like roaches, even when you get rid of one, there is always eight more waiting for a bit of hope to come on out the box.
Dudes, lots of negative energy latly, its bad.
I was just to say that the OP and DEV team does a wonderfull job and
i bet none else could do it better!!
Even big companys like nintendo, sony, sega and microsoft delays.
Just look how long it took fallout 3 to get out.

Now guys, this project is realy uniqe, the team is uniqe too, and i bet
they are realy proud of this project, and so will we to when we get it
in our hands.
Every honour and respect goes to the team for making a thing like this :)
Jaguar said:
and thats for you slow pokes who cant spell, c o m m u n i t y .does the word online manual mean anything, the app store, or software. you birds better look out, or I will have to bring out jethro bodine, here to the forums. he is the one wwith the 6th grade education, some of you could learn from him.

Oh, the irony.

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I think this whole community bickering and what not is a real mental strain on the devs. I hope they can still find joy in this project. Imagine having to go through all these delays is not nice for us but think about how it'll be for them. Seeing people canceling their orders. Seeing false rumors. And having un-expected set-backs. They have even more riding on this than we do. For us its quite some euros but for them its their house and morgages and basically their lives.

Putting your life on a rocking boat that this project is can't be good for the nerves.

So I'd like to add keep up the good work and try to get some joy out of it :)
Dunny said:
Jaguar == Gerald, there's no doubt about that now folks. Not only do they type the same way, but their lives seem to revolve around hospitals. I say we should keep the insults coming. You can't have a battle of wits with Jaguar/Gerald when he's not had a chance to gather any weaponry.
Why do you need to have a "battle of wits"? Some of you are telling Jaguar to "learn to interpret the other side". I think you should apply that advice to yourselves, too. I honestly don't think that he's here to troll, but I do think that he's not the most eloquent or tactful communicator on the forum, and he gets riled up easily. Some of you have taken that as a sort of challenge to see how much you can rile him up, which starts the whole cycle going. What for? Just accept that he has a writing style that's not socially-acceptable, and don't let it bother you; if you really must answer, reply to the underlying point of the message.

I responded reasonably to some of his posts, and got reasonable responses back. Maybe if more of you followed my lead, there would be no problem.
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You are right and think the same :)
This time it's a bit different. I read every post very closely and it's obvious that Gerald/Jaguar was more on the side of the aggressor. Last time it was the other way around. He didn't get enough negative feedback this time to be the victim, so he started to actively accuse people of having said things that they actually didn't say and he also started name calling. That kind of stuff is tolerable for a while, but it really gets on the nerves.
...hole community bickering...

Is that an adult only forum about holes with people arguing about who gets to stick it in first? Oh wait, that would be ho' community bickering.

Sorry, I just thought the mistype was amusing...

In closing, I'd like to say that I have no reason to post on this thread and that normal service has now been resumed...
Esn said:
I honestly don't think that he's here to troll, but I do think that he's not the most eloquent or tactful communicator on the forum, and he gets riled up easily. Some of you have taken that as a sort of challenge to see how much you can rile him up, which starts the whole cycle going. What for?

For FUN! He's fun to wind up, and I'm bored. You might be a nice person, but I most certainly am not.

I responded reasonably to some of his posts, and got reasonable responses back. Maybe if more of you followed my lead, there would be no problem.

And what would be the entertainment in that?

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