15th Preorder Confirmed?

"As I've said many times before, just give your money and/or credit card to a trustworthy friend or family member if you're worried about not being around for pre-order. It's not that hard of a concept to come up with."

Good for you for repeating that, it's such an amazing concept you've come up with. It's still irrelevant when I've signed up for the newsletter months ago and check daily for news about the preorder. I can't and won't expect any friend to check the forum daily or sign up now for delayed notice of that preorder. I STILL want the Pandora preorder to be available for early adopters by the 15th if at all possible. Since I'm prepared to pay the whole cost up front regardless of the delivery date, I don't feel it's too much to ask.
PolloLoco said:
Good for you for repeating that, it's such an amazing concept you've come up with. It's still irrelevant when I've signed up for the newsletter months ago and check daily for news about the preorder. I can't and won't expect any friend to check the forum daily or sign up now for delayed notice of that preorder. I STILL want the Pandora preorder to be available for early adopters by the 15th if at all possible. Since I'm prepared to pay the whole cost up front regardless of the delivery date, I don't feel it's too much to ask.
Not to belittle your friends, but signing up to a forum and newsletter are hardly demanding requests. Why would they need to check the forum daily? All they'd have to do is check their email regularly, which I suspect if they're like 99% of the internet they do anyway.
Even if it does turn out that the pre-preorder notice is only posted to the forum, I'm sure if you left your friend's contact someone would be willing to forward the info ASAP, thus still getting you a Pandora.
There's no need to get belligerent when there are so many options available to you. Besides, it might be pre-order early and then the whole point is moot.
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For the 15 year old tech centric: old people, computer consulting/technician. Static web design for local small businesses, or more $ for dynamic and/or shopping cart related. Extort them, and get good with tech support calls/web research. You'll make a killing.

I'm all for a preorder! Very happy bugs are being brought to light and dealt with prior to production & not on a post-hasty haphazard release.

Wisdom gentlemen, much respect!


slygamer said:
Did anyone else read the topic as if they were asking for confirmation of 15 pre-orders? I was like, "There's been 15 pre-orders already?"

Haha, yes I did, my heart skipped a beat when read the title.
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I don't want to sound like the negative nancy here, but after re-evaluating the benefits of a 15th preorder, I'm pretty much against it. I remember waiting over two months for my GP2X after preordering. I just see community pressure being the cause of such promises rather than this being reasonably close. Wait till you can sit back, relax, and say "Yeah, we're [finally] ready", craig. I had to send my GP2X back because of the f@#$! headphone jack, I don't want to have to do it again, for any reason, with the Pandora.

Edit: Besides, I'll be able to afford two next month! :P
There's absolutely no reason why there shouldn't be a preorder this month, IMO. A vast majority of people who want a Pandora are willing to throw down cash right now to secure one, myself included. It'd do wonders to ease my soul that I had one set aside. Just because there is a preorder doesn't mean that people such as yourself have to participate, you can wait until the actual release to purchase. Where's the negative? Besides, a preorder 2 months before a product release is 100% normal, how is that not "reasonably close"?
CronoTriggerfan said:
There's absolutely no reason why there shouldn't be a preorder this month, IMO. A vast majority of people who want a Pandora are willing to throw down cash right now to secure one, myself included. It'd do wonders to ease my soul that I had one set aside. Just because there is a preorder doesn't mean that people such as yourself have to participate, you can wait until the actual release to purchase. Where's the negative? Besides, a preorder 2 months before a product release is 100% normal, how is that not "reasonably close"?
I'd have done the same in January for a Pandora. Paid in full. 6 months ago. I'd have bought a PS3 preorder a year before it was released in order to "secure" my unit. Lets say the Pandora team let you preorder the day the handheld was announced. I'd imagine there would be quite the buildup of unhappy people by now. You can say that the Pandora isn't that far off, but the question is, where does one draw the line? I don't think it is appropriate to take preorders until the units are actually rolling off the assembly lines, and hopefully fully tested.
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AireTamStorm said:
I'd have done the same in January for a Pandora. Paid in full. 6 months ago.
AireTamStorm said:
I don't think it is appropriate to take preorders until the units are actually rolling off the assembly lines, and hopefully fully tested.
Huh? How come you contradicted yourself?
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The Pandora dev team has been extremely meticulous about their product thus far; to boot, they've been strong advocates of the "when it's done" release model. The fact that they're willing to hunker down and open the doors for business renews my confidence in a set release date.
craigix said:
Sometime between the 15th and the 30th looks right.

We just need to establish some final mass production details before we can say 'yes, it's going to be exactly xx date'.
I want to see a confirmed pre-order date as much as the next man, but not so much that I'll delude myself that this is it. There is some definite wiggle room in this statement and in MWeston's original announcement of the Sept 30th date.

For example, the following statements are all true:
- "We never said there would definitely be a special pre-pre-order date for gp32x forum members"
- "The September 30th pre-order date was only ever an estimate"
- "We have always targetted a pre-order date approx 4weeks before the ship date."

Until we see something on OpenPandora or GBAX, I don't think even the Sept 30 date can be counted as confirmed, and I'd be very surprised if a separate pre-pre-order happened. The one date related update that you can take to the bank and that we should probably all repeat to ourselves like a mantra every morning:

"I will definitely not have a Pandora in my hands before Mid November"

Sorry to be depressing, but I just realized that I've been in a state of mid-excitement about this for almost a year, and I'm pretty patient. Some of you must just be gibbering wrecks...

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Count me in for a pre order cash up front on day one, provided that Pandora is to be released in 2008.

Might have to reconsider if release slips into 2009.

Don't take that as moaning about the slips in release date. The 'release it when it's right' mentality is the only way to go with this project.

For me the buying decision is Pandora or cheap Ultraportable laptop and by 2009 you'll be able to get a lot of Ultraportable for your money.
aliking, I created this thread for the sole reason of confirmation, and if Craig sticks to his word, then we've got one, albeit a two week span.

And Mr Loon, I'd totally agree that if Pandora slipped into 2009, I'd withdraw my support for it and pick up an iControlpad or a Wiz.