100 Hand Painted Special Edition Pandoras

I imagine > 3900 were taken at some point but a lot of people have canceled and maybe not as many new people have replaced them..
VRAndy said:
double7 said:
You don't have spare units. You have preordered Pandoras, which are paid and are "no longer your own".

If you use one those Pandoras before you fulfilled your dept, your customers will pay with a later delievery.
I think he means that the plan is to manufacture 4,000 units, but less than 4,000 pre-orders have been taken.
Anyway, double7 has a point. I like the idea of a special edition, but those should be the last units made and delivered or maybe units which are already ordered.
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double7 said:
craigix said:
We can make them because we have 100 spare units

You don't have spare units. You have preordered Pandoras, which are paid and are "no longer your own".

If you use one those Pandoras before you fulfilled your dept, your customers will pay with a later delievery.

After all, i do like the idea and i like to see you getting some extra money for it.

But there are only two possilbe ways not to kick your customers a...

1. Those special edition is offered as an upgrade for existing preorders only.
2. Those special edition is offered after the delivery of all already ordered Pandoras, not matter whether prepaid or not.

Which part of 'We have 100 spare Pandoras' don't you understand?
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Sorry craigix, but which part of 'you have debt' do you not understand? Currently outstanding debts first, special units after that. Thats all double7 said. And by the way, you don't have spare Pandoras. You may have spare pre order slots for not yet existing Pandoras.
No offence, maybe nitpicking...
craigix said:
Which part of 'We have 100 spare Pandoras' don't you understand?
from the top or from the bottom of the list of ones to be completed?

EDIT:I wouldn't want someone to throw money at the you guys and get theirs before me, if this is the case I'll be forced to throw even more money at you to get back in front of them. This seems just slightly fucked up.
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I think the general idea here is...

Special edition? Go for it.


Board selection:
It should not even start until AFTER the pre-orders have shipped. No board selection out of the pre-order batch (no cream skimming). If this means that they're just painted cases and not 'pre-selected at 800Mhz' fine. If you want to bin sort and preferentially price the 2nd batch units that clock higher - go for it. They will know up front that they are getting a pre-binned machine.

I don't think I'm alone in this, but I'll be mighty peeved if someone buys a 'special edition unit' at auction or from a carved out 'special edition lot' and gets it before my 18month+ old pre-order.

Paint & stencil some special editions between the 1st and 2nd batch - fine. Sell those to the highest bidder - fine. But PLEASE do it AFTER -ALL- of the 1st batch pre-orders are fulfilled. That includes whoever ordered 2 weeks ago.

Other uses for 'extra' boards:
A side note... there were supposed to be a pile of 'extra' parts and units to take care of RMA needs and warranty repairs. I hope those will still exist and are not being re-allocated as 'special edition' units. Doing that would be rather evil. No matter how well you build this thing, somewhere a delivery guy is going to run over one with a fork-lift and you will need to replace it (and back charge the delivery company). You need to have spares machines on hand.

The above is just my humble opinion. You are of course free-willed individuals. Remember, though, think of how you would feel if you handed a fat stack of cash to a guy a continent away on the promise of a cutting edge device then waited patiently for nearly 2 years only to find out they were going to let others cut the line at the last minute.

My order number? It took a week before I bought in, so I'm well into the 2K range. I haven't checked my place in the queue.
Grench said:
Other uses for 'extra' boards:
A side note... there were supposed to be a pile of 'extra' parts and units to take care of RMA needs and warranty repairs. I hope those will still exist and are not being re-allocated as 'special edition' units. Doing that would be rather evil. No matter how well you build this thing, somewhere a delivery guy is going to run over one with a fork-lift and you will need to replace it (and back charge the delivery company). You need to have spares machines on hand.
You just read my mind :lol:
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I gotta say, I'm with Grench on those main points. Especially the bit on board selection, though I don't mind so much about people being able to pay to cut in line.
Grench et All

Let's just suppose (and I'm not for one minute suggesting that this IS the case, I just wonder how far these views can be stretched) that the OP team have run so low on funds that they risked not being able to deliver any Pandoras.

Would you rather they struggled along, trying to do their duty to the first 3,800 pre-orderers and risk going under in the process of trying to do the right thing? Or would it them become OK for them to sell these premium units in order to generate enough revenue to increase their chances of survival?
Korlithiel said:
I gotta say, I'm with Grench on those main points. Especially the bit on board selection, though I don't mind so much about people being able to pay to cut in line.

If we were bidding for line placement that would be fine. We are not. We have paid for our units and are waiting on delivery. Any future orders, paid for or bid on need to be fulfilled AFTER the units that are already paid for and pending delivery.

Think of it this way. The first ~3700 units to be built already have people's names on them. They are paid for and pending delivery. We have sales receipts. I do not consider them to be OpenPandora's property to re-assign or re-sell to a higher bidder.

What they do with the units after the pre-sales are fulfilled - that they can work out to their own amusement.
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hmmm! ,I was planning to buy some spare cases and sell em back to the community after getting them professionally painted in a range of custom designs, but all this hate?, nah! I don't need it, paint your own cases :P , anyway!, I can do hate...... :ph34r:

you can scream and kick your little kiddy feet all you like, OP will do as they please, do you get that?, Craig does as he pleases, he's already in deep financially, and all you stupid, spoilt, halfwit kiddys are screaming cos he's haemorrhaging cash and wants to put a sticking plater on the wound, get a grip halfwits, if that causes you so much grief then cancel your order, you're like all the other inbreds on this braindead ball of sh*t everyone thinks is the universe, all you worry about is "ME! ME! IT'S ALL ABOUT ME! WAHHHH!"

if you had 1/10th the brains you vainly you think you had then you would be clamouring for a custom unit order number, but nooo, you have to go off on a classic hissy fit and act like the fat, spoilt, self interested, idiots you are, the next time your local car dealer* offers a "special edition", I hope you are all going to dash down to the dealership and stand on the forecourt with a huge sign denouncing them for "ignoring" their normal customers and offering "special treatment" to "special edition" buyers, because anything else would prove you a "HYPOCRITE" wouldn't it?*

*car analogy....since it's the only thing really dumb people understand

hate off........

not so nice to be on the receiving end, is it?

sheesh, kids now-days :angry:
I just want to say that everyone here is acting like a bunch of babies.

Craig, I hope you go through with this, sounds awesome. Sign me up.
craigix said:
Which part of 'We have 100 spare Pandoras' don't you understand?
Probably "have".
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hobbyman II said:
you can scream and kick your little kiddy feet all you like, OP will do as they please, do you get that?, Craig does as he pleases, he's already in deep financially, and all you stupid, spoilt, halfwit kiddys are screaming cos he's haemorrhaging cash and wants to put a sticking plater on the wound, get a grip halfwits, if that causes you so much grief then cancel your order, you're like all the other inbreds on this braindead ball of sh*t everyone thinks is the universe, all you worry about is "ME! ME! IT'S ALL ABOUT ME! WAHHHH!"

That's a great way to make sure that there will be no batch 2 and no Pandora 2 (not that I think there is any real chance for either of those).
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Man hobbyman II, what a jerkass post. Did it ever occur to you that the people against this are concerned about the other thousands of people in line and not just themselves? Or maybe they just feel like voicing what they think is the fair thing to do.

I think you couldn't come off as any more of a fanatical raging blind fanboy if you tried. The criticism levied in this thread is nothing compared to that inane string of insults you pulled together in hopes of showing people "how it feels."
hobbyman II said:
hate off........

not so nice to be on the receiving end, is it?

sheesh, kids now-days :angry:
Sorry, Doesn't work like that.

You have no real justification for being so hatefully angry at random forum goers. So your post just makes you seem like an asshole on the internet.

Pre-ordering, pre-paying, and then constantly being strung along, never being given a time estimate longer than two months on a product that's (as of next month) taken TEN TIMES it's estimated completion time, etc, is a legitimate reason to be angry. That anger may not be helpful, and perhaps not even fair, but people have every right to be angry.
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hobbyman II said:
blah blah blah

where are you in the pecking order if you don't mind me asking? How long have you waited? Your arguement would be reasonable if it wasn't like someone can come in tomorrow and slap down a $20 while giving all us the middle finger on the way to the front of the line... that's what I'm complaining about and I think it's justified after almost 2 years of waiting.
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jb0yx said:
where are you in the pecking order if you don't mind me asking? How long have you waited? Your arguement would be reasonable if it wasn't like someone can come in tomorrow and slap down a $20 while giving all us the middle finger on the way to the front of the line... that's what I'm complaining about and I think it's justified after almost 2 years of waiting.

I disagree, I don't think any of his arguments were reasonable under any contexts ;p
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can i just pay the difference if it cost more? i do want a special edition pandora, but i dont want to a wholenother pandora until later, maybe in like a year or so