100 Hand Painted Special Edition Pandoras

cbox said:
Do people clamor for Jones Soda to not put out this soda because it somehow detracts from regular cola?
I dunno, does Coca-Cola set aside their best bottles of soda to be Turkied? If so yes, otherwise no.

That's one thing that people were worried about. That somehow Pandora would "skim off" the best of the Pandora for use as Special Editions.

Imagine a lotto dealer that holds the scratch tickets up to the light and sets aside the big winners for premium customers. The regular customers still get scratch tickets, so what's their problem?

I don't know if that's a valid concern, but it's the concern that people have. If you can't understand that, then it'd probably be best if you didn't try to contribute to the argumentdiscussion.
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If OpenPandora wants some serious coins for these limited editions, they should auction them at a $330 starting bid. I bet they will go as high as $1000 a piece.

Don't know for sure if the 800Mhz thing is "fair" to other users though.
You guys don't get it, 800 mhz will in all likelihood be pretty common and easy to obtain, ARM cpus are very forgiving and easy to overclock.
I think its a dreadful idea. The time for showboating is going to be once the customers have been served their product. Showboat after the backlog has been taken care of .. anything less would just be shameful.
torpor said:
I think its a dreadful idea. The time for showboating is going to be once the customers have been served their product. Showboat after the backlog has been taken care of .. anything less would just be shameful.

Isn't that exactly what's going to happen?

EvilDragon said:
Just wanted to confirm that the special edition Pandoras will be shipped last.

Painting will happen once we have the rest of the cases while we are assembling (since it's not us who ara painting the cases).

NO one gets further in the Queue. I remember that someone offered me 300 EUR extra money a while ago to go up in the queue - and I disagreed.
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cbox said:
You guys don't get it, 800 mhz will in all likelihood be pretty common and easy to obtain, ARM cpus are very forgiving and easy to overclock.

They get it. I get it. Speculatively, they may be very common. They may not. If 100 were to be taken out of the pool and any less than 100% of Pandoras are good to go to 800MHz, then they will be LESS common/more rare. That is all.
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shadow.8 said:
torpor said:
I think its a dreadful idea. The time for showboating is going to be once the customers have been served their product. Showboat after the backlog has been taken care of .. anything less would just be shameful.

Isn't that exactly what's going to happen?

EvilDragon said:
Just wanted to confirm that the special edition Pandoras will be shipped last.

Painting will happen once we have the rest of the cases while we are assembling (since it's not us who ara painting the cases).

NO one gets further in the Queue. I remember that someone offered me 300 EUR extra money a while ago to go up in the queue - and I disagreed.

yes they will be shipped last BUT for them to exist at all they must be cherry picked from the existing order of boards Thus reducing the chances of 1st batchers getting one of the 'better' boards.

doesnt matter when they get shipped its where the boards come from.

MONK - Exactly right!
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stustaff said:
yes they will be shipped last BUT for them to exist at all they must be cherry picked from the existing order of boards Thus reducing the chances of 1st batchers getting one of the 'better' boards.

doesnt matter when they get shipped its where the boards come from.

MONK - Exactly right!

There is an alternative. OpenPandora aren't generally good at spelling out what they're going to do, but bear with me.

Let's say that there are 4000 units total. Of these about 100 (105 IIRC) are late prototype/dev boards. Let's say there are 100 extra kept back for warranty purposes, 100 for reviewers, and 100 as freebies to encourage "big" devs (perhaps OpenPandora will send some to iD and other favoured software houses. 2D boy would be one I'd suggest, if it had a chance of getting World Of Goo ported. But I digress). That works out at what, around 400 allocated to not-orders. These are part of why OpenPandora are not making a profit for each first batch Pandora - becuase they are buying more than they are selling (plus the HUGE development costs, which are spread out over 2 or 3 batches now since the costs exceeded the first batch takings).

OK - so out of 4000, 400 are pre-allocated. If OpenPandora have fully paid-up preorders for 3500 or fewer Pandoras, then these Special Edition units could literally come from the last 100 (or more) "available" units. I stress the last 100 (units 3501-3600, or 3901-4000 depending on how you look at it).

We have more areas where clarity is lacking. Suppose almost all first batch Pandoras are 800MHz capable. Why, then it's pretty likely that Craigs offer to guarantee 800MHz is basically meaningless marketing BS, and those 100 will likely conform. But even if only 1 in 4 Pandoras are 800MHz capable, OpenPandora COULD cherry-pick them AFTER sending units out - from the warranty/.reviewer/dev/unordered pile. It depends, in part, on their attitude and on how they plan to send out the other units. If reviewers, possible high-end devs etc. get their units before paying customers then obviously, the 800MHz units couldn't come from there. But if paying customers come first then OP SHOULd actually have hundreds of units to choose from.

Once the secon batch is underway, OpenPandora may feel at liberty to use "Warranty" units from the first batch - as new second batch units can cover warranty issues.

Finally, the team may have discussed the "800MHz cherry-picking" issue and decided, quietly, not to do that. ED seems to be distancing himself from that aspect, and Craig of course has not commented. But it LOOKS, from last update, like they ar enot going to cherry-pick the best of the best away from paying customers.

It would just be nice, sometimes, if they would plainly say what they're doing instead of letting their "valued customers" squabble about it. All the valued customers seem to be asking for is confirmation that they aren't going to get stepped on. That they even feel the need to ask is sad, but indicative of how the project has gone to date :(
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Monk said:
cbox said:
You guys don't get it, 800 mhz will in all likelihood be pretty common and easy to obtain, ARM cpus are very forgiving and easy to overclock.

They get it. I get it. Speculatively, they may be very common. They may not. If 100 were to be taken out of the pool and any less than 100% of Pandoras are good to go to 800MHz, then they will be LESS common/more rare. That is all.

And all preorders have paid for a 600 mhz Pandora, where are they losing anything?
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cbox said:
Monk said:
cbox said:
You guys don't get it, 800 mhz will in all likelihood be pretty common and easy to obtain, ARM cpus are very forgiving and easy to overclock.

They get it. I get it. Speculatively, they may be very common. They may not. If 100 were to be taken out of the pool and any less than 100% of Pandoras are good to go to 800MHz, then they will be LESS common/more rare. That is all.

And all preorders have paid for a 600 mhz Pandora, where are they losing anything?
Wrong, I paid for a 600+Mhz Pandora. So given that, I would expect chance of getting a good clocker not to be diminished. ;)
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cbox said:
Monk said:
cbox said:
You guys don't get it, 800 mhz will in all likelihood be pretty common and easy to obtain, ARM cpus are very forgiving and easy to overclock.

They get it. I get it. Speculatively, they may be very common. They may not. If 100 were to be taken out of the pool and any less than 100% of Pandoras are good to go to 800MHz, then they will be LESS common/more rare. That is all.

And all preorders have paid for a 600 mhz Pandora, where are they losing anything?

From http://www.open-pandora.org/
ARM® Cortex™-A8 600Mhz+ CPU running Linux

They're loosing part of the +. The + was interpreted by the community as being a chance, unknown at the time, of having a system that can OC beyond the 600. Speed binning at this stage would intentionally decrease the value or likelihood of the +.

If OpenPandora wants to speed bin and charge differentially for batch 2, I'm all for it. Messing with the batch 1 people's orders/chances/etc this late in the game isn't cool.

In my humble opinion only.
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Grench said:
They're loosing part of the +. The + was interpreted by the community as being a chance, unknown at the time, of having a system that can OC beyond the 600. Speed binning at this stage would intentionally decrease the value or likelihood of the +.
I'm willing to bet that all of the Pandora's shipped will clock over 600Mhz to some degree.

To be clear, OpenPandora are well within their legal rights to do this.
The only reasons they shouldn't are moral arguments.

I still stand by my opinion that the change in probabilities we're talking about are pretty small, and not really worth the fuss people are making.
However, I think it's also pretty clear that the community isn't entirely happy with it, and so the cherry-picking should probably be abandoned.
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Aninhumer said:
Grench said:
They're loosing part of the +. The + was interpreted by the community as being a chance, unknown at the time, of having a system that can OC beyond the 600. Speed binning at this stage would intentionally decrease the value or likelihood of the +.
I'm willing to bet that all of the Pandora's shipped will clock over 600Mhz to some degree.

To be clear, OpenPandora are well within their legal rights to do this.
The only reasons they shouldn't are moral arguments.

I still stand by my opinion that the change in probabilities we're talking about are pretty small, and not really worth the fuss people are making.
However, I think it's also pretty clear that the community isn't entirely happy with it, and so the cherry-picking should probably be abandoned.
I agree with this.
I doubt it will make much difference to me at all, but I appreciate where people are coming from.
But it is also the moral arguments that count for a lot in a community.
Anyway, almost there! ([sub]fingers crossed[/sub])
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torpor said:
I think its a dreadful idea. The time for showboating is going to be once the customers have been served their product. Showboat after the backlog has been taken care of .. anything less would just be shameful.

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cbox said:
Monk said:
cbox said:
You guys don't get it, 800 mhz will in all likelihood be pretty common and easy to obtain, ARM cpus are very forgiving and easy to overclock.

They get it. I get it. Speculatively, they may be very common. They may not. If 100 were to be taken out of the pool and any less than 100% of Pandoras are good to go to 800MHz, then they will be LESS common/more rare. That is all.

And all preorders have paid for a 600 mhz Pandora, where are they losing anything?

natural selection
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Why would something like this ever be announced in the first place? God knows there's threads about practically nothing here and this just adds to the mess. :rolleyes:
I still don't get it, I ordered a 600Mhz Pandora. If I get anything better, its a bonus, but not something I paid for. I feel I have no reason to be upset for OPT deciding to make some money off of better quality boards; boards I didn't pay anything extra for. If I want an 800Mhz board then I will be able to order one from the special edition Pandoras.

Also, I have not seen anything in writing that we will be able to overclock (or overvolt, etc). In fact, I specifically remember craig saying we won't be allowed to overclock and demanding order numbers in the process.

So why do people feel so ripped off? You didn't pay for a board that will run at 800Mhz and part of the warranty states we cannot overclock. The + on the website was put there before this was clarified. Also, are the terms of the warranty set in stone? Isn't OPT allowed to change their warranty at any point anyway, regardless if anything has shipped?