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  • Users: TomVS
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  1. TomVS

    Vice : looking for Keys

    I read the forum and some discussions are helpful but... Are all the real commodore keys mapped to the pandora keyboard ? For example right shift etc... The real question is : If so does anybody know how they are mapped. Some keys seem impossible to find... Any chance on an extra feature...
  2. TomVS

    Pandora does not start, even from mains....

    My pandora wont start anymore... I thought I had a flat battery so I connected the power cord. Nothing happened, only the backlight from the display seemed to switch on. I removed the mains, and removed the battery Reassembled. Tried to power on, nothing happened, no lights switch on I...
  3. TomVS

    Power button - problem ?

    I have a bit of a problem with my power button... First. The button can slide to the richt and has a click (stationary) to the left. Has the click to the left any function ? second.How do you power on the pandora from complete shutdown. My unit seems to behave at rondom. If I slide to the...
  4. TomVS

    Frodo - Customisable Key Config - Help

    Just rediscovered FRODO and tried to edit the frodogp2x.key file using wordpad. The problem is that when I even change the slightest thing in this file and change the controls in the emulator, the emulator freezes... Just changing the name of the keymap in the config file is enough to screw...
  5. TomVS

    Outcast Saving To Disk...

    I picked up the excellent outcast atari ST emu last night... after playing Gunship for hours I noticed that my performance was not saved to disk after restarting... Is this normal... I read that during version changes this was a problem but does anybody know it is resolved at the moment (latest...
  6. TomVS

    Anyone Info On The New Gp2x Tft Screen

    Does anyone have any experience with the new version of the gp2x. I read that it comes fitted with a new type of tft screen. Now THE BiG QUESTION ... Is The Scanline Problem solved ??? A scanline-free screen would improve the movie playing capabilities enourmously. I know about the lcd-tweaker...
  7. TomVS

    Gp2x Screen Question (i Know Again...)

    When staring up (the screen with te diagonal lines, not the green one) I can see I lighter vertical zone from top to bottom on the left side of the screen... In normal conditions it is not noticeable at all. But when using the lcd-cpu-tweaker it appears with some settings and also in the movie...
  8. TomVS

    Ebay Refuses To Let Me Sell My Gp32

    Strange things happened. I recently ebay-ed my old gp32 because I bought a gp2x... Now I got a mail from ebay that my item was removed from ebay because of copyright problems and unautorised copies policy... I never used the word roms, download roms from the internet... in other words I...
  9. TomVS

    C64 On Gp2x - Frodo - Vice

    Time to celibrate. This is just a way to congratulate Mike Dawson (Snaff) for his excellent work. Frodo has gone where it never had gone before on the gp32. It is in an amazing state already. It is everything it was on the gp32 and now even saves to .d64 a feature I have been begging to...
  10. TomVS

    Any Frodo Updates

    Been away from the emulation scene for a while. I read frodo was updated with savestates and I tried them out a while ago. Is saving to the virtual c64 floppy enabled too? I wanted to play those old epyx games or gunship. For this games savestates are not really that useful because the games...
  11. TomVS

    Scumm With Ogg Support Help....

    I am testing the DJwillis scumm version with ogg support. Has anyone ever converted a .so3 file (mp3) to a .sog file (ogg). If so what are the settings?? Frequency, bitrate, ... for the ogg encoder... Thanks.
  12. TomVS

    Chatboard Problems In The New Zx Emu

    Has anyone tried to use a chatboard in THE new zx emulator. I tried to play gunship but the chatboard seems unresponsive... It is recognised by the emu but does not seem to do the job... Greetings, Tom
  13. TomVS

    Ipod Clone Serves As Temp Storage For Gp32

    Hello, I purchased an ipod clone overhere in Belgium (Medion). The device comes with an usb-to-go cable. So it is perfectly possible to connect the standard gp32 usb cable to the Ipod-clone. This device has a 20gig HD so using gpDrive on the gp32 it is possible to copy data to and from the...
  14. TomVS

    Opensnes9x 0.3

    I am trying to run mariopaint on this excellent new emulator. The game needs mouse input. When I switch the input settings to mouse it seems that it always resets to pad.... Anyone any suggestions how to set mouse input in this emulator? thanks
  15. TomVS

    Gmame2 Problems

    ... Tried to get the new gmame2 version to work.... I copied my PC mame zipfiles (like in the suggested directory... Launching gmame2... choosing the game from the excellent menu screen... But then I get the same errormessage for every rom Error in zipfile %s: %s.... Anyone had...
  16. TomVS

    Chatboard Mapping The St Keys

    Is there a way to write config files to assign keys to the chatboard in cwy 13.3? I wrote config files before to make different games work under castaway that needed keyboard input (like flight sims). I thought a chatboard would solve my problems but there are a lot of keys missing on the...
  17. TomVS

    Redstorm Rising On Castaway

    I recieved my chatboard today. I tried before to play redstorm rising on castaway by writing custom config files..... But never found the keys to control the rudder of the submarine. I played this game to death on my amiga and there it was < > to control the rudder. Has anyone tried this...
  18. TomVS

    Fgen32 Afterburner Ii Sound???

    In most compatability lists afterburner II seems to have sound. I tried it but no sound for me... Has anyone really tried this game ? Thanks
  19. TomVS

    How To Zip Genesis Roms

    Question... I tried to zip *.smd files using winzip. When gfen scans my GENESIS directory the emulator shows the zip files (with crc unknown warning). When I load the rom files the program freezes... Do you have to use certain winzip settings??? Thanks, Tom
  20. TomVS

    How To Set Fps In Xmpeg Or Dvdx

    Hello, I want to know if it is possible to change the fps in set-and-forget dvd to divx programs like dvdx or xmpeg At the moment I use virtualdub (latest version) to change the fps to 18 (gpcinema) Or I use an avisynth script like this (see below) to change the fps. Avisynth does the job...