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  1. quartercast

    How to promote the Pandora?

    As the title says, lets think of ways to promote our favourite little gadget. ED is reaching out to us here: IMO the official website could do with a...
  2. quartercast

    XFCE update on angstrom feed

    Hey I found there are updates to XFCE on the angstrom reop. Current openpandora feed contains libxfcegui version 4.6.1-r5.5 Angstrom feed contains libxfcegui 4.6.4-r0.6 in glibc, while eglibc repo is more up to date with 4.8.1-r0...
  3. quartercast

    Pandora Emulator Idea

    Has anyone tried building a Pandora Emulator/Simulator with Qemu? Apparently this has been done for Beagleboard around 1 year ago:
  4. quartercast

    Tapatalk issues

    I'm unable to sign in to these forums using Tapatalk on iOS. Log in function works fine for Dingoonity... Anyone else having problems signing in here? I also found tapatalk would crash/refuse to load the off-topic section, very strange.
  5. quartercast

    Warning Points (WP)

    I looked under my avatar and was very disappointed to see I had accrued no Warning Points (WP) in all these years, even after making 400 quality posts. Can anyone give me advice on how to earn WP, and whether or not they can be exchanged for Nintendo Points or redeemed for soft toys or CASIO...
  6. quartercast

    Got any professional Pandora product shots/videos?

    Like the topic title says. I was thinking in terms of spreading the word and ad campaigns for the Pandora. You're in the video editing business right? Surely you can pull some strings... :)
  7. quartercast

    Have you approached Linaro recently?

    I was wondering if you or Craig have ever tried signing up for a membership with Linaro? They seem to have a lot of experience building Linux distros including Android for ARM SoC devices. Any idea of the membership fees/costs involved?
  8. quartercast

    Yinlips YDPG16 Android 2.3 Retro Handheld (Pre-order)

    Like the idea of a Yinlips handheld but hate the faux PSP-style form factor? Introducing the YDPG16 Quoted from willgoo: http://www.willgoo.c...rder-p-196.html http://www.yinlips.c...tail.aspx?v=587 Some YINLIPS propaganda: (Split in 2 posts due to image limit)
  9. quartercast

    "iGame" V10 Android Game Console

    V10 Android 2.3 5.0" LCD Resistance Media Player Game Console w/ Dual Camera / TV-out - Black (4GB) Color: Black CPU processor: ARM-CONTEX A10(1.2GHZ) 3D GPU: MALI400 Memory Type: 512M DDR3 Memory Capacity: 4GB Expansion Slot: TF(32GB Max) Display Size: 5.0" Display Type...
  10. quartercast

    Register OP Forum with error

    Hello, I've been working on banner images for the OP Rebirth compo, so far uploading images to The images are now appearing as an error, could ED or someone else fix this by registering the forum domain with imageshack...
  11. quartercast

    Pandora Community Website

    I've just been browsing the maemo website and it just struck me – why haven't we got the same thing going on for our own little device? They've got an introduction page, repo, wiki, community information page, news and forum unified into a single, vibrant and easy to use design. They've got...
  12. quartercast

    Linaro and Pandora?

    I've just been reading through Linaro's website, and it seems like they're an open source company writing low-level software and building OSes etc for varoius ARM SoC's. They have an Android eval build for Pandaboard available for download already. Think they'd be interested working on...
  13. quartercast

    Release Jagged Alliance 2

    Jagged Alliance 2 is one of my favourite turn-based strategy games, in fact one of my fave's of all time :) Thanks to the devs, beta testers and donators who helped me port this. Jagged Alliance 2 Release 1 Screenshots: Gameplay changes since beta 3: • Quickload (Alt-L) is now enabled...
  14. quartercast

    Release Jagged Alliance 2

    Jagged Alliance 2 is one of my favourite turn-based strategy games, in fact one of my fave's of all time :) Thanks to the devs, beta testers and donators who helped me port this. Download Jagged Alliance 2 Release 1 Screenshots: Gameplay changes since beta 3: • Quickload (Alt-L) is...
  15. quartercast

    Release Jagged Alliance 2 beta!

    I know there are some Jagged Alliance fans out there, if you haven't heard of it it's a great strategy game series for PC. If you liked the humour, guns and gore in Fallout 1 and 2 you'll love JA2 :) I've ported Jagged Alliance 2 Stracciatella, which is an open-source version coded by Tron...
  16. quartercast

    Beta Jagged Alliance 2 Stracciatella Beta!

    Hey dudes, after a bit of help from the reliable sebt3 and paeryn, the awesome strategy game Jagged Alliance 2 is PND'ed up and ready for beta testing! When running for the first time: 1. Procure JA2 original game cd/image. 2. Copy "data" folder to SD card (you need at least 900 MB free space)...
  17. quartercast

    Help Debugging Ja2 Straciatella

    Hi guys, As mentioned in General I've built a binary of my favourite game using bollocks method on my Pandora (running Stuckie's debian). It works on debian, now I'm trying to create a PND within debian (using genpxml, pnd_make etc). So far I've generated a bare-bones PXML file and launching...
  18. quartercast

    Jagged Alliance 2 Strac On Pandora

    I don't know if anyone's bothered before, but I've managed to build a working binary of Jagged Alliance 2 Stracciatella using the bollocks method on Debian. It's game I really love and I've always wanted to play it on my Pandora. It plays well with sounds, speech, music, cinematics etc working...
  19. quartercast

    Power Switch

    The power switch on my pandora has stopped springing back to position after a couple of weeks use. Is this common? The unit still turns on ok, afaik there's no posts about this so I thought I'd give you all a heads up :)
  20. quartercast

    Have You Encountered Any Defects On Your Pandora So Far?

    Given the discussion going on in this thread, I thought it would be interesting to conduct a poll on the frequency of certain Pandora defects. Some of these defects are more cosmetic (such as the screen bezel issue), while are more problematic and can hinder usage (faulty nubs, shoulder buttons...