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  1. P

    Some Digitiser Screenshots

    yay teletext, stuff to do during the AD'S
  2. P

    No More E3.

    E3 is not dead, its just being called E3 media festival, and its also going to be alot smaller
  3. P

    Mp3 Players

    get an iriver or the creative zen
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  5. P


    if people buy this and dont research into it, they deserve to be lied to
  6. P

    New Member Wants To Say "hello"

    hello. always nice to have people like you joining this forum
  7. P

    What Should I Do

    sleep> caffeine
  8. P

    What Should I Do

    mmmmm, im sure theres treatment for all you have... mayby you should consider it
  9. P

    What Should I Do

    mayby your just a natural selfish bastard...
  10. P

    Fhm Mention Of Gp2x

    if it didnt come in a basket of porn, they dont like it
  11. P

    New Firmware - Whens It Out?

    when payback comes out
  12. P

    What Should I Do

    no deadlychicken, dont join the darkside!! HAHA o and er telco lou is your real father
  13. P

    Lo People, Need A Bit Of Help

    AAAAAAAAA lol ok ill adjust that thanks for that other forum aswell the links should work now
  14. P

    What Should I Do

    Well you know it wil be a god dam bore but it really is good knowing what you can do later, i know i went to a few things like that, and it really does help loads if you want to contnue for further education. but live on the wildside my friend, go to bed real late
  15. P

    Lo People, Need A Bit Of Help

    hey people i need some help which TV seems better to all you? i seem to be quite impressed with the phillips one, im going to go check all these out in currys soon to see for picture quality. but the phillips one seems to be the best buy. i was just wondering if anyone else had experience with...
  16. P

    Good But Not Too Expensive 19" Tft Monitors?

    no theres an option to buy used but you can buy new for 194£
  17. P

    Good But Not Too Expensive 19" Tft Monitors?
  18. P

    Good But Not Too Expensive 19" Tft Monitors?

    whats not to expensive?