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  1. P

    New Ipods

    if it wasnt apple, i would get that shuffle
  2. P

    Wanna Buy A Plasma

    damn this really isnt my day today well on the internet atleast, everything else is fine. mmmmmm
  3. P

    Wanna Buy A Plasma

    no you wont need any other new cables. the samsung has like 2 scarts and a componant in and the usual stuff youll find on a crt, only difference is there two hdmi sockets aswell. and if you sit the recomended distance away from the tv while playing video games through scart, they will look the...
  4. P

    Wanna Buy A Plasma

    defintaly get a high definition. a reular LCD will just suck, im sorry but its true. it will have the same faults as all LCD's and will not be futurproof
  5. P

    Wanna Buy A Plasma

    i went to a shop aswell to narrow down my choice in LCD. Don't expect much, the quality on all TV's are terrible, because they cant be bothered to make a propper set up so they have one ariel for all the TV's. i have heard that nearly all stores are like this. Yes the samsungs are good, but i...
  6. P

    Wanna Buy A Plasma they really helped me when i bought my hd lcd. i heard plasmas arnt great for videogaming because of screen burn. i also think that LCD technology is more advanced than plasma
  7. P

    Happy Birthday Craigix!!!

    Happy Birthday!
  8. P

    How Much Would You Pay For A Portable Dreamcast?

    if i knew the dreamcast parts were new and that t was a good quality build you could expect 200£ mayby more. but just a novelty, you really cant ask more than 150£. but then thats just me some people would spend alot more.
  9. P

    Happy Birthday Fluffy!!!

    happy birthday! have fun
  10. P

    Ps3 Delayed

    i hope ps3 fails anyway, so thats good news for me. look out everyone, ridge racer 7. really can not wait for the seventh game of a racing series. even though this is also true with mario kart, mario kart has very different circuits each time. i still find the ps3 so anoying though, i would...
  11. P


    mayby not everyone is superman
  12. P


    Sad to hear your suffering from depression. I dont really know much about all this, but you could "try" prozac just to see if it does work for you and you dont get side effects. i dont know mayby have some one keep your prozac just incase you go crazy or something. good luck anyway
  13. P

    Steve Irwin

    and died because of a stingray, im sure he wouldve prefered something different. poor guy
  14. P

    Analysts:ps3 To Win Next Gen Console War

    i hope ps3 loses just because sony are spitting acid in ourfaces now. the ps1 lets face it everyone was great. a real success. i feel sorry for the n64 because it was great aswelll. but the ps1 was just amazing back at the time and still is now. sony have just been building up on that throne for...
  15. P

    Internet Chainmail

    i went away for 2 weeks and got over 100 spam emails in my spam folder. and thats with gmail!!! and damn do i hate those emails, "you will die if you dont re-send this email" even though it is your local slut that sent the email out. and like you iignotus, i hate so much that kind of talk. when...
  16. P

    Congratulations Mods

    The spam thread was good. didnt really damage anyone. it was great just to speak stuff to people you dont know and you know you will never meet. and even though some links were anoying, some of the things in the spam thread was a great laugh. well, time to find something else to do now.
  17. P

    Ps3 Vs Wii

    o i love that def a wii for me now
  18. P

    And I Thought Wii Was A Dumb Name For Something

    so true but thats why people buy them, people dont just want a phone anymore. even though we all have to admit a camera on your phone is great. but now you makee your own calenders, mp3, video playback. its all good, but makes the price very high, and if you dont have a phone with all the latest...
  19. P

    And I Thought Wii Was A Dumb Name For Something

    haha so true, its a nice siple name instead of the samsun d-hehq7q80fnnnnf8wfnwoaflnk or the E-37345bjkbkjuasdfknajfbs but yer, if you cant use a flip phone your a spaz, come on its not that hard, otherwise u use your chin or lips to open it.
  20. P

    And I Thought Wii Was A Dumb Name For Something

    it sure is a stupid name. but it does look like a chocolate bar kind of. i hate all slide up phones anyway lol, so it doesnt concern me. flip phones all the way.