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    That's true. I wasn't serious - I was just dreaming... Maybe the GP32 2 or the Nintendo DS or the PSP will be able to emulate perfectly Amiga, Super Grafx and Playstation. (I'm aware that the storage media of the PSP and the DS have to be reverse engineered first before we get to use emulators...
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    Could someone please port "Castlevania: Symphony of the Night" (plus the extra Sega-Saturn-Levels) and "Castlevania: Rondo of Blood" to the GP32? And the Amiga-Versions of "Turrican I+II"? And "Mega Turrican" with the music and soundfx from the Amiga-Port "Turrican III"? Thanks. ;) I would pay...
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    New Pc-engine Emulator

    Is PCEAdvance superior, equal or inferior to GPEngine when it comes to speed?
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    Best Emulators

    Nah, that's too "rucklig" for me (don't know the english word - sloppy? jerky? unsmooth?). I don't like frameskip. And especially I don't like to play games that run smooth at times and then have frameskip 3 at some passages. Frameskip 1 is the maximum I can bear - but then all the time (without...
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    Best Emulators

    Okay, it was GigaDrive which didn't run smooth. Now I tried fgen32 and it runs games without frameskip at 166 MHz at (approximately) full speed - but without sound (can play Sonic 2 now). With sound you need frameskip 1 (Sonic, R.o.Shinobi). Great - fgen rocks! But it's a pity that Mega...
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    Bonk's Revenge - Where Is Bonk?

    Ah, okay. So we'll really have to wait for a new release.
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    Best Emulators

    Nope - that must be someone else. At first I tried to get the username "Turrican", but that wasn't available anymore, so I took one of my other favorite "gaming-heroes" as my synonyme. About Castaway: I thought it didn't display the whole area in Turrican I+II - but then I tried it on Steem for...
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    Best Emulators

    Sorry. I thought I was in "General->General Talk", but I was in "General->News zone"...
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    Best Emulators

    Which emulators do satisfy you the most? My personal favorites are (I own my GP32 for only one week now): 1. GP Engine - runs at 60fps with 166MHz at full speed (90% of PC-Engine games working) 2. Castaway - full speed at 166MHz (I do miss fullscreen mode) 3. Little John - runs every (?) game...
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    GP32 How Fast Can You Get ? Gp32 Clockspeed Tester

    Me, too. Damn! At 168 it freezes and anything above 172 restarts the system.
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    Bonk's Revenge - Where Is Bonk?

    Thx for the quick reply. I also supposed it would be something like that. Let's hope for a soon release of an updated version of this great emulator.
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    Bonk's Revenge - Where Is Bonk?

    Hi everyone, Bonk's Adventure and Bonk III work fine, but in Bonk's Revenge the Bonk-Sprite is not displayed! Is there a way to fix this? Or does it work in the japanese Version?
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    GP32 How Fast Can You Get ? Gp32 Clockspeed Tester

    case 200: GpClockSpeedChange (200000000, 0x5c011, 3); //for every 2 MHz you have to increase by 0x1000 gp32_timermul=(67800*256/200000); break; That should be right. I own my GP32 BLU just for a few days now. I'll check today how far it can overclock using mirko's Tool. On...