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  1. J

    Usb Host - Other Devices?

    hmm... i tried SDLTest by Guyfawkes... Keyboard handling is implemented in his program... but it isn't working... like in the menu, i get the letters displayed on the screen, but no SDL_KEYDOWN is thrown :( maybe a wrong driver? any ideas?
  2. J

    Terminal With Cramfs Fast Boot Firmware

    hi! i have the fast boot firmware on my gp2x and when i exit the menu with <crtl><c> in a terminal window, it comes back after a second... because of the "automatic menu respawn" i think any idea how to disable the respawning?
  3. J

    Usb Host - Other Devices?

    i used the usb host driver from and connected a USB keyboard. hoped that the duke3D port has still implemented the keyboard, but it didn't work. then i tipped on the keyboard when the menu was on and the letters showed up on the menu... so i assume, it is...
  4. J

    Usb Host - Other Devices?

    i now have finished my BoB... my USB flash card reader is working has anyone tried to get a USB mouse, keyboard or gamepad running? if yes, how have you done it?
  5. J

    Games For Dosbox - What Games Do You Want?

    Master of Magic would be great! it's like a fantasy version civ but with better unit to unit combat... one of my favourite dos game! please, please this one :D
  6. J

    Ext Audio Out / Headphone Jack

    hmm... has TV-Out audio always the same volume, or is it regulated by vol +/- too?
  7. J

    Ext Audio Out / Headphone Jack

    hi! is the audio out of the ext port the same output like the headphone jack? or is the headphone jack deactivated, when i use the TV-out? if there is no difference, i don't have to integrate audio out in my BoB
  8. J

    Easy Gp2x Serial Cable

    well... i simply connected the black, green, white and blue wires to the right pins and it worked THX for your help
  9. J

    Serial Cable Or Usb Serial Connection?

    can i use the serial cable for anything other than the console? connecting devices?
  10. J

    kopfhörerbuchse = ext audio out ???

    hi! ist das audio out im ext port der selbe ausgang, wie die kopfhöhrerbuchse? wenn ja, wäre es nämlich nicht notwendig, sie in einer BoB einzubauen... oder gibts da unterschiede?
  11. J

    Easy Gp2x Serial Cable

    hm... thanks for your help, nubie... i tried to connect a battery pack (2xAAA => ~2.6V) connected [-] to black (12) and [+] to white (22) then i connected the PC side then i tested with the DC meter: [-] battery pack and blue (13): ~2.56V red (24): ~2.56V yellow (23): ~2.56V the rest of the...
  12. J

    Ext>>>>>>>USB kabel

    naja... mir gehts eh weniger um eine HD... ich habe eher vor z.b. eine maus anzuhängen... und die braucht ja nicht so viel strom, wie eine platte
  13. J

    Easy Gp2x Serial Cable

    well... i tested ground with the other pins and only get 0.3V - 0.4V next, i'll desolder the pins and only connect the relevant ones... to be shure: any possibility, that i could destroy the 2x if the CB will do any strange things?
  14. J

    Ext>>>>>>>USB kabel

    hmm... mist... jetzt hab ich mir schon ein case dafür gebastelt... und da is nimma platz für einen dritten akku... sind die schwankungen wirklich so extrem?
  15. J

    Ext>>>>>>>USB kabel

    hab ich auch vor... es sollte doch funktionieren, an die 2 AA akkus des 2x noch 2 AAA akkus in serie dran zu hängen, um so 4.9V zu bekommen, oder nicht? oder gleich an die 3.3V des EXT noch 2 AAA akkus dranhängen.... dann kommt man aber auf 5.7V .... is das für VUSB immer noch ok?
  16. J

    Easy Gp2x Serial Cable

    ok... i'll try this the shop has a page: but it's german only, i think
  17. J

    Easy Gp2x Serial Cable

    i have it from an austrian electric shop the package says "Samsung PC link cable" product number is PCB181NSE : SGH-E810 and outside the cable and connectors look the same like yours the pinlayout of the ext side should be the same like on the other cable, shouldn't it? :huh: nubie posted it...
  18. J

    Easy Gp2x Serial Cable

    hi! first of all, thanks to your research nubie and your documentation sweetlilmre i bought a e810 cable like the one in the wiki, but inside it is very different... maybe the european version? there are more wires connected to the ext side and a more complicated circuit board on the PC side...
  19. J

    Serial cable

    hi! also ich hab mir jetzt so ein samsung e810 kabel besorgt... leider ist das innenleben ganz anders, als im wiki beschrieben... vielleicht bekomm ichs aber trotzdem zu laufen hab aber vorerst mal eine andere frage... ist diese serielle schnittstelle jetzt die gleiche, die ein PC zu verfügung...
  20. J

    entwickeln am mac

    danke... oberes hab ich auch schnell gefunden... aber was fang ich jetzt damit an? das is keine ide... wie verwend ich das jetzt in einer ide wie z.b. eclipse (oder einer anderen besseren?) für windows ides wie visual studio gibts im wiki super tutorials, wie ich sie konfigurieren muss... aber...