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  1. J

    Mobile Usb For Gp2x

  2. J

    gestenbasierte spielsteuerung für den gp2x

    naja... es fühlt sich schon ganz anders an, wenn man die maus abmontiert und ganz "normal" verwendet. Aber das muss man vermutlich selber probieren, um den unterschied zu merken. Extrem wird der unterschied, wenn man den gp2x über eine reale map schiebt, die am tisch liegt. Dieser effekt wäre...
  3. J

    gestenbasierte spielsteuerung für den gp2x

    aus aktuellem anlass (wii) habe ich mich in meiner diplomarbeit mit dem thema gestenbasierter spielsteuerung beschäftigt im zuge dessen habe ich auch eine gestenbasierte spielsteuerung für den gp2x gebastelt für alle, die interesse daran haben, habe ich dieses kapitel online gestellt...
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    Battery Powered Usb Pocket Hub

    hm... strange... my bob works fine with the powered hub and only data lines and ground connected
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    Bob Poll "what Do You Want?"

    hmm... the use of these cables isn't such a good idea... they are only mono audio and composite video, i think i don't see the sense in having an audio out jack on the BOB... it makes it bigger and the gp2x allready has audio out
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    Change Mouse Cursor Speed

    sorry... here is more detail i'm writing a game where the player scrolls the map with a mouse connected to the gp2x the map scrolls much slower than the mouse cursor moves. so if the player wants to scroll the map fast, he has to move the mouse fast the problem is, when he moves the mouse fast...
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    Battery Powered Usb Pocket Hub

    you only need the 2 data lines... and ground maybe since your hub is powered, you don't need to connect the VUSB line
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    Change Mouse Cursor Speed

    hi! is there a way to change the speed of the mouse cursor? can i change it with SDL? or at least... in something like a mouse setting file in linux? thx for any help
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    My Homemade Bob

    hehe... you should see the picture on top of the box... there is santa claus with a big heard-shaped balloon next to a mouse with a heard-balloon too. and a text: "schön, dass es dich gibt!" which means something like "nice that you are here!" well... that's the idea. but i only have the PSU at...
  10. J

    [linker Error] Undefined Reference To `zoomsurface'

    ha! thank you very much :)
  11. J

    [linker Error] Undefined Reference To `zoomsurface'

    hi! i use Octoate's GP2x toolchain (2006/03/06) and the newest HW_SDL from here i #include "SDL_rotozoom.h" and when i use zoomSurface(img_map, 2, 2, 1); i get [Linker error] undefined reference to `zoomSurface' any ideas? thx
  12. J

    Sdl_warpmouse Problems With Oopo/paeryn's Sdl

    hmm... i've used another toolchain (don't ask me which one... there are hundreds on my desktop *g*) and again the newest hw sdl and now it seems to work
  13. J

    My Homemade Bob

    of course... i don't think, anybody would spend 140,- for this box... and that's why a private individual can't make money with such a project but... as nubie always says: it isn't hard to make your own box... it's only time consuming ;)
  14. J

    Sdl_warpmouse Problems With Oopo/paeryn's Sdl

    hi! i have the same problem SDL_WarpMouse sets the cursor to the right position, but when i move the mouse, it jumps back to its previous position is there another way to set the cursor to a new position? could you upload a precompiled version of this? thx
  15. J

    My Homemade Bob

    well... it took me about 8h to build this box (one of the hardest parts was to make the holes in the box) say 15,-/h... 20,- for the parts (i couldn't find a cheaper cable) = 8x15+20 = 140,- would you pay 140€ for this box? ;) in mass production, i could build it faster... but nevertheless...
  16. J

    My Homemade Bob

    hi! i thought, i show my bob too the first version could hold 2 AAs to power the USB and you could mount it on the bottom of the GP2X but it only had one USB port and it was a little bit fragile the second version is much more robust and compact (ca. 40x60x20mm) it has a mini USB hub inside...
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    As i've postet in the thread Vmaps2x, GP2X Map Viewer..., it would be so great to have a tool that displays google earth cache data and kmz files.
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    i've no idea, how google eath caches its data... but it would be very cool to use the google earth cache on a viewer on the gp2x... 2D is fine for me (google earth works offline with the cached data) so you could go to the location in google earth to cache the data you want to have, copy it to...
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    Maniac Mansion / Zak McKracken ScummVM

    das bleibt bei mir immer hängen, wenn ich mit dem ballon aus dem bildschirm fliege :(
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    GP2X Nintendo Wiimote With Gp2x

    nice idea :) any progress so far?