Idea for an SNES emulator.


Jul 6, 2003
I had just a little idea for adapting the SNES pad to GP32 Pad.
You must know that there is just 2 action buttons on GP32 (A nd B) even thought there is 4 in SNES (A B X an Y). I had just a little idea to use all the button to emulate all touchs.

If L touch is pressed
Then A emulate L
Then B emulate R

If R touch is pressed
Then A emulate X
Then B emulate Y

If no touch is pressed
Then A emulate A
Then B emulate B

I L an R are pressed
Then show the emulator menu (or Rom selection ^ ^)

Maybe someone got this idea before me but i just wanted to help and to submit an idea, maybe you won't take care this... ^ ^

PS: I got a bad english i know but i'm french, scuse me ^ ^'
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That's very intriguing Myth, and seems like a viable alternative to 9xGP's current configuration scheme. It won't be as useful for, say, Zelda 3, but Street Fighters may very well adapt to this setup. Can't wait to hear some more comments on this one. :)
I was writing that thinking to SNES RPG's like Chrono Trigger (without L nd R you can't escape ^ ^') but i was just an idea...
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yeah but remember that L & R are placed so that you can push then with
other buttons at the same time (think to A,B,X,Y).

just remember F-Zero or MarioKart...

anyway we should have multilpe input mode to best fit to the game.
Wow thats a great idea..... when i posted it about a month ago.

get your own ideas you fool.

GRRRR! one listens to me anyway......
Scuse me Phil i hadn't seen ^ ^' (one month ago i wasn't here :))
Yeah the button choce is a really goood idea for an emulator bcause a few game only use all buttons.
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you can reprogram the buttons to work best with whatever game you are playing already

angrypants, you didn't read it, did you?

he's talking about swapping the buttons config during the game by pushing a button.

this could be usefull is you don't have to press simultaneously buttons
(like L+A or L+B for ex).