yoyofr's Secret project

das ding hat noch kein donus :P
しかしそれは未来の解放完全に入って来! (can u read this? ph34r me :D )
e sim, seu um emulador do caralho dos snes mas mantem-no segredo se você puder ler este, aprovado? ( :P )
je l'aime.

:ph34r: :ph34r:

this is fun ;)
generalnmx posted on Dec 9 2003 at 02:53 PM said:
Wow, aren't we excited. 118 posts altogether on this subject.

EvilDragon is truly evil for doing this... <_<

I've merged them all together, and I'll pin this until the release.
Yeah, just like the whole counter incident.
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Aha! I know.... It's a GP32 emulator for the GP32!!!!! I don't know why, but it just is!!! The 1st handheld that can emulate itself!!! :blink: :blink:
Wolfsclaw posted on Dec 9 2003 at 11:24 PM said:
しかしそれは未来の解放完全に入って来! (can u read this? ph34r me :D )
アホやで!読めるよ!かてな、お前の日本語へたくそやねん!どんくさいなぁお前!! ;)
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Wolfsclaw posted on Dec 9 2003 at 11:24 PM said:
das ding hat noch kein donus :P
しかしそれは未来の解放完全に入って来! (can u read this? ph34r me :D )
e sim, seu um emulador do caralho dos snes mas mantem-no segredo se você puder ler este, aprovado? ( :P )
je l'aime.

:ph34r: :ph34r:

this is fun ;)
Ok that's portuguese ;)

Here's the next clue:

When using FastRom: The 65816 runs at 3.58Mhz


:lol: :lol: :lol:

I think it's time to buy a gp32
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It's SNES!!!!!! SNES cpu - 3.58MhZ Clue - 3.58MhZ!!!!!! And it's the same type, too!!! And it runs at FS1 FULLSPEED no sound!!! Unless theres something else with those specs, too...
Been lurking at this site since I got my GP32 about 6 months ago.
I'd like to thank all the guys who give up free time to code for this great handheld.
It's a crying shame that most people are never going to get to know about it what with no launch in the UK. Oh well...

I also think this is a Snes emu as I googled and found this...

I think (using the 4th clue) that the SProject is a SNES emulator... :)
'coz a 65816 usinf Fastrom @3.xxxxMHz perfectly fits with the SNES specs...
Just have a look in any snes emu for PC to find that out...
see you ;)
The best will be for Xmas : What a nice present...... :)
FULLSPEED w/ 1 Frmskp.......WOW.... :D
Im think if the sound is working good this emu will become the best....
see you ;)
It is SNES
this is the specs for SNES

Processor 16-bit 65c816
Processor Speed 1.79, 2.68 Mhz or 3.58
RAM Memory 128 Kbytes
Video RAM 64 Kbytes
Resolution 512 X 448 pixels
Colors 32768
Colors On Screen 256
Max Sprites 128
Sprite Size 8x8 to 64x64
Sound Chip 8-bit Sony SPC-700
Sound Channels 8
Controller Response Time 16ms
juhu.... now its snes for sure...
and gaming fullspeed (with no sound yet, but who cares) at frameskip 1...
uhh i will love this emu..
btw: is zelda running on the secret project.. ??? and if yes is it fast :D