Yoyo's secret project

yoyofr posted on Sep 10 2003 at 08:40 AM said:
Actually I'm trying to finish Star Wars : Knight of the Old Republic & Zelda : kaze no takuto,
read more of the discworld chronicle series (currently book 3...),
and spend time with my girlfriend!

But I'm planning on getting back to ljgp32 & our *secret* project (we are 3
working on it!) asap!


Anyway thx for the interest on our *secret* project, it keep us motivated! :D
What are these two projects? I never heard of them, what is the Zelda one? Are there pictures on the net of them?
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projects? these are games, i guess u can call trying to complete them a project,

hes taking time out playing before he gets working
Fair play to him i say enjoy some time out, he's written one of the best emus on the scene, tons of great games to play until his next release whatever that may be.

Probably wants to keep a secret so people don't keep hassling him. If he said he was working on a snes emu he'd be inundated with people requesting him it be ready fo their car journey/ long trip next week etc...
What are these two projects? I never heard of them, what is the Zelda one? Are there pictures on the net of them?

Star Wars: KotOR is a Bioware (of Baldur's Gate fame) RPG for Xbox. Extremely good game, but framerate could be likened to a jumpy SNES9xGP. :angry:

Kaze no Takuto => Wand of Wind (literal) => "The Wind Waker."
So, Is he making a Zelda game? When you say windwaker, are you saying he is playing the game on his gamecube, or he is making his own gp32 version?
Azure posted on Sep 11 2003 at 01:26 AM said:
So, Is he making a Zelda game? When you say windwaker, are you saying he is playing the game on his gamecube, or he is making his own gp32 version?
Wow, that'd better be sarcasm.
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So THAT'S what his secret project is! He's making a GameCube emulator for the GP32 so it can run Wind Waker at full speed with sound!!! :D :rolleyes: :P
EvilDragon posted on Sep 11 2003 at 12:56 AM said:
Well, the Wind Waker won't take long since it's the easiest Zelda ever made...
:D I took me 2 weeks to finsih it. One week for the main story and another week for the secrets :-P
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kraahl posted on Sep 10 2003 at 07:44 PM said:
Yoyo, God and Allah is working on a SNES emu.

Or perhaps not.
LOL ;)

yoyofr: Thanks for the info, looking forward to it, especially if it lives up the level of LittleJohn GP (rated best in GP32:Zine #1 :)) ... keep up the good work :)
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The post is speculation, but --

This guy is a coding machine. He mixed three different NES emus and worked on about one a week on average, IIRC. He'll have no problem handling a couple of GBA emulators Seriously, considering the speed he did the work, I think he's more than capable of taking on a GBA or SNES emu. While the SNES slot is being filled in the GBA is one of the big three still left to emulate (x86, gba, atari).

(Yes I'm aware of the Atari WIP)

- Rico
(old post)

Just wait people.
Yoyo will make something great something big something we all are waiting for :-P
Just wait and enjoy the other emulator/games for the GP32
Personally, I suspect it isn't SNES. Or Genesis. Both of them are too obvious to be able to make something secret - it'd just get out, as it were. What I suspect it is is either MAME or Amiga. Or something else considered stupidly hard that there are a lot of games for and people are fairly skeptical of it's happening.

That said, I'd prefer a SNES emu :)

...unless its an x86 emu port, in which case that'd be my ideal thing :D