The one and only
lollllllllllllll this is all too much........
Magus 86 posted on Jul 14 2006 at 06:24 AM said:TelcoLou posted on Jul 13 2006 at 04:59 PM said:You guys really should stop with the insults. <_<
Mean bastards, don't you know how sensitive pre-pubescent boys are? You might stunt his (vertical) growth ...
Seriously... you people are fuckin retarded. You sit there and just make up bullshit and then act like it's hilarious. "wow, I'm cool, I can say something that isn't true, LOL!!!" If you're gonna make fun of someone, at least make sure that what you're saying isn't a load of bullshit, for fuck's sake.
Angel posted on Jul 14 2006 at 08:01 AM said:Your pictures are slapped all over the internet. I now know of at least 2 forums each with over 1,000 members that are now making fun of you, I also know there is a web site that does nothing but make fun of you and who knows how many thousands of folks have visited that site.
Magus 86 posted on Jul 14 2006 at 06:56 PM said:Holy fuck, YOU people are stupid.
Magus 86 posted on Jul 14 2006 at 01:56 PM said:What's your fucking point? Do you think I give a shit if people are making fun of me?
Yep! Lot of sand storms in PA.Magus 86 posted on Jul 14 2006 at 01:24 AM said:![]()
It is nothing more than a picture of me wearing a Shemagh. For those of you who don't know what it is or its purpose, look here. http://www.bellum.nu/armoury/shemagh.html If you bother to take the time to look at that web page, you will learn that a Shemagh is a square piece of cloth wrapped around your head for the purpose of "keeping sun or snow, wind, sand and dust - out of eyes, face and neck."
That's interesting... so if wearing a shemagh makes me a retard, does that mean that wanting sand in your eyes is intelligent?
Clearly, I'm not the one who's retarded here.
shinneri posted on Jul 14 2006 at 04:13 PM said:Yep! Lot of sand storms in PA.Magus 86 posted on Jul 14 2006 at 01:24 AM said:![]()
It is nothing more than a picture of me wearing a Shemagh. For those of you who don't know what it is or its purpose, look here. http://www.bellum.nu/armoury/shemagh.html If you bother to take the time to look at that web page, you will learn that a Shemagh is a square piece of cloth wrapped around your head for the purpose of "keeping sun or snow, wind, sand and dust - out of eyes, face and neck."
That's interesting... so if wearing a shemagh makes me a retard, does that mean that wanting sand in your eyes is intelligent?
Clearly, I'm not the one who's retarded here.![]()
Iorgy77 posted on Jul 14 2006 at 10:31 PM said:You're labeled a retard because you actually look like a fat retarded mongoloid who likes to dress up like a dickhead and upload pictures of yourself on the net.
Viperman5686 posted on Jul 15 2006 at 06:04 AM said:Iorgy77 posted on Jul 14 2006 at 10:31 PM said:You're labeled a retard because you actually look like a fat retarded mongoloid who likes to dress up like a dickhead and upload pictures of yourself on the net.
You're a big hardass on the internet that always has something witty to say. Trying to compensate for how much of a loser you are in real life? Does your behavior remind you of the kids in school that made fun of you every day for being a complete loser with no more than two friends? You're all powerful on the internet when you can have time to think of an insightful response to something trivial that has little to do with you in order to accomplish nothing. Please, continue on with your pointless existence.
YOU'RE labeled a retard because you actually are a retarded <insert racial slur indicating self-stupidity> who likes to talk out his ass like a dickhead and prove how much of a dumbass he is on the net.
Iorgy77 posted on Jul 15 2006 at 12:07 AM said:Oh here come Magnuses boyfriend to defend him.
Magus 86 posted on Jul 15 2006 at 06:08 AM said:I look like a Mongoloid...? What the fuck kind of dumbassed insult is that supposed to be?
Magus 86 posted on Jul 15 2006 at 06:08 AM said:Yes... because when 2 people agree on something the only possible explanation is that they're dating, right? So I guess that means the rest of you who all think I'm a retard must have gay sex orgies every night because you all agree with each other?
What the fuck are you, twelve years old? How fuckin stupid can you get with an insult like that? You can't even spell his name right or properly use and apostrophe to show ownership. Last time I checked, apostrophes and reading were learned in first grade - maybe you're twelve after all, seeing as how you are an idiot.
Iorgy77 posted on Jul 15 2006 at 12:13 AM said:Magus 86 posted on Jul 15 2006 at 06:08 AM said:I look like a Mongoloid...? What the fuck kind of dumbassed insult is that supposed to be?
Look it up tard.
Magus 86 posted on Jul 15 2006 at 06:08 AM said:Yes... because when 2 people agree on something the only possible explanation is that they're dating, right? So I guess that means the rest of you who all think I'm a retard must have gay sex orgies every night because you all agree with each other?
No, because Viperman always comes to your defence.
Oooh I made typos... you instantly win!...