Thanks for your comments!
I didn't have GPL in my mind when I first released this preview, but since someone mentioned it I'll have it in mind. I wouldn't mind about releasing the source, I'll just have to clean up some bits here and there and provide an easy implementation and one/two examples. That would be great for the community and I would be glad to see other projects based on this engine! =)
However there are still more to be done before I release the source, 1) the clipping routine is a stupid hack that crashes at several cases (I just made a carefully made demo with objects at the proper distance that don't crash, ok for demos but not for games ;P), I'd love to rewrite some rasterizer code in a diferrent way that helps me debug the whole thing and add proper clipping (the rasterizer code is shit!), maybe optimize it more. 2) Few more things to do, like finish a perspective correct mapping routine (the current version uses it for the enviroment mapping where it's not very noticable. But my non perspective texture mapper looks like an ass on a cube ;P). I'll think if I'll release the source soon or after fixing few problems first.
As for my current projects, I originally did this engine to finish a demo for GP32. I haven't done a software 3d engine before this one but I had experience in gfx programming and optimizations (mostly 2d effects) since my 8 year involvement in the demoscene. Most probably I'll also use it to finish a short demo for the GP2X demo competition. It would be cool though to switch a bit from demomaking and try coding some simple 3d games, I have some simple ideas in my mind that I may try in the near future. If I need some modelers/graphicians in the future I may post something in these forums.
But thanks again, I'll think positively about GPL these days and decide. Now I am thinking it, most probably (99%) I'll give the source away before the end of July because... .in August the greek army calls me and I'll be off from developing for a while

I just hope to find the time refining the code and correcting the bugs till then, but if I don't, someone else may fiddle with it and fix what I may have not I believe. Opensource is a good idea just for that..
p.s. Something irrelevant with GP32/2X coding but you may find it funny or interesting. In the link below you can check the PC port of this software 3d engine (with some stupid bugs) where I tried to load some extremely detailed objects of 60000 or 360000 polygons just out of curiosity!!! (3d scans from Stanford university, so detailed that simple gouraud rendering looks like it's bump mapping!)
It's funny just to check it on your PC with dots/wireframe or solid modes and be impressed =)
No, I don't intend to try loading those beasts in my GP2X, except maybe from that porsche which would look neat in my next GP2X demo! B)